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Why online degrees are a right fit for defense personnel

Online degrees are becoming widely popular today, thanks to their flexibility, accessibility and credibility. It is a convenient learning mode for those who cannot physically attend college. That way, online degrees are a great option for defense personnel, who are unable to pursue their education in a campus setting. Without modifying work schedules and commitments, military personnel can pursue an online degree that’ll help them shape a bright future.  

Since matriculation or higher secondary level education is the qualification to qualify for a preliminary-grade military role, most defense personnel don’t get the opportunity to pursue an undergraduate or a master’s degree. Moreover, you don’t need a specialized qualification even for higher grades in the armed forces, except for some technical posts. So, military personnel opt for various learning modes to upskill themselves.  

That’s how distance education or correspondence became extremely popular among armed forces. They could pursue their education remotely and appear for exams. Distance education doesn’t require physical attendance in classes and candidates can self-study at home. Most active distance education centers can be found around military regions since scores of them enroll to pursue various courses through remote education.  

However, with the advent of technology, online learning has become more popular these days. Thanks to the internet, by applying for an online degree, you can study anywhere, anytime. Online degrees are a perfect fit for military personnel who want to obtain in-demand degrees or a degree of their choice. They can expand their knowledge, enhance their skills, and achieve their professional breakthroughs. An online degree comes with several benefits and can help military personnel in many ways. 

Better utilization of time 

During peacetime, defense personnel who are posted in undisturbed areas might have time to study. If they enroll for an online program, they can utilize this time to study. Convenience and accessibility are one of the biggest boons of online learning. With the help of an internet connection, they can study anywhere, anytime. Jawans can revisit recorded classes in case they miss live sessions.  

Moreover, in distance education, learners must study from books and reference material. While it might get difficult for jawans to carry books wherever they go, with online learning, they can study from a laptop, tab or a mobile phone. They will also have access to online study material available on the learning management system (LMS).  

Acquire in-demand skills 

Most universities today offer online programs that help you acquire niche skills that are in demand in the market today. They offer degree programs with in-demand specializations that help you hone your skills in the field you choose. The focus is on producing future-ready professionals who can contribute to the success of the organization. 

Nowadays, universities get inputs from industry experts while designing their syllabus, which makes the programs meet in-demand skills and subjects. Pursuing such online programs helps military personnel acquire these in-demand skills and shape a career post retirement.  

Moreover, most organizations have reservations or quotas for defense personnel. 

Companies are always happy to hire ex-military personnel because of their disciplined life and in honor of their service to the nation. Gaining necessary skills will give them a competitive advantage to secure a lucrative job.  

A career after retirement 

The value of an online degree is often realized after army personnel retire. Most army personnel retire at a relatively young age. There is a need for them to secure a job and earn post retirement, in order to fulfill responsibilities like the marriage of their children and aging parents. That’s when a degree comes into play. If military personnel opt for a degree just before their retirement, they can graduate with a degree by the time they retire. This helps them choose their career path and pursue it after retirement.  

Even if defense personnel are not bound by responsibilities, they usually dislike leading an idle life. The major challenge they face is finding a suitable job. Such military veterans can pursue an online degree and find a suitable job. Pursuing a degree in the most sought-after domains will help them multiply their career prospects.  

Online degrees are also more affordable when compared to traditional on-campus degrees. Army veterans can pursue a sought-after degree without spending too much. Moreover, some universities offer fee concessions for defense personnel. In that case, they can graduate from top universities by paying a nominal fee.  

Active duty members have a variety of opportunities to pursue a career post retirement. Online degrees usually offer a wide range of specializations to choose from, some of which are not available in on-campus degrees. This helps them upskill themselves in in-demand domains and secure a safe future. They can pursue a program that interests them and helps them fulfill their career goals. 

The Online Manipal advantage


Affiliated with top universities including Manipal Academy of Higher Education (MAHE) and Manipal University Jaipur (MUJ), Online Manipal is a great platform that provides you with a hassle-free online learning experience. With the help of experienced faculty and real-world mentors, you can hone your skills in your chosen field. Through an enhanced digital learning platform, you can get access to 1000+ hours of cutting-edge tutorials and free access to Coursera content.  

Moreover, Online Manipal offers attractive scholarships for defense personnel, which makes it an affordable choice to pursue the degree of your dreams.  

The role of online degrees in empowering women 

The journey of women in India is highly influenced by our socio-cultural environment. The Indian society, in general, exerts rights on deciding how educated a woman must be. Even though urbanization has brought about massive progress in society, we still have a long way to go. Over the years, women have broken shackles of exclusion and proved their worth in the world of education. But is that enough?  

For instance, in India, the holy festival of Navratri celebrates Goddess Durga, during which nine days are meant for worshiping the nine incarnations of the Goddess. Vijayadashami, the last day of Navratri, celebrates Shakti, the all-powerful feminine force. While this festival is often associated with women empowerment, it is important to take inspiration from its meaning and educate girls to make this society more equal. 

According to data compiled by the World Bank, between 2010 and 2020, the number of working women in India dropped from 26% to 19%.    

However, India has seen a slight rise in the number of women enrolling for higher education. According to the Report of All India Survey on Higher Education (AISHE) of 2019-20, there was an 18.2% increase in female enrollment of higher education from 2015-16 to 2019-20. The same report stated that women in India now hold 49% share in total enrollment in higher education. This is only a positive sign.  There is still a dire need to improve accessibility to education to women, especially higher education to those residing in rural areas.  

Is an increase in enrollment just enough? Can we assume that an increase in enrollment will bridge the gender gap in higher education? The answer is no.   

Several families in India today still think that higher education, or basic education per say is unnecessary for girls. Some Indian families still live with the mindset that it is enough for the men in the house to be educated. Even though towns and cities have come out of this misconception, a large part of the country still believes in not educating women.   

These scenarios boil down to one question- Why is a degree important for a woman?  

Women’s education not only reduces inequality, but also gives them the freedom to choose the life they wish to live. Here’s how obtaining a degree of freedom helps a woman. 

Bridging the gender gap: The most important aspect that comes with educating women is equality. While women have been suppressed in several forms and have not been allowed to step outside their homes, education has helped them overcome this gender barrier. Today, more and more women are educated and are pursuing a degree of their choice. This has given them more freedom and independence to live life on their terms. Even those who aren’t allowed to study are fighting for their rights in their own way. This has helped bridge the gender gap and is paving the way for a more equal society.  

Breaking stereotypes: Education for girls and women helps break the existing stereotypes prevailing in society. Every woman has the right to education and pursue a dream of her own. This creates awareness about the importance of education for a girl child and leads to a more progressive mindset.   

Personal & financial independence: Independence is the best result of educating women. Personally, women tend to feel more independent when they have a degree in hand. They can either pursue higher education or choose a job. They’re also able to make decisions that will be respected by others. It is also important for women to be financially independent. Today, we get to see single mothers who run their families successfully without external support. This kind of independence comes with a degree.  

Respect in society: Women with degrees are usually highly respected by society. Their decisions, opinions and voices are heard and respected when they’re highly educated.   

Educating a woman means educating a family: Queen Radia of Jordan once said, “If you educate a woman, you educate a family.” Rightly said, development can be accelerated only when women are educated. Women instill important values in children, and it is important that a woman is educated in order to raise her child as a responsible individual.   

Improves the economy: Beyond gender equality, educating women improves job opportunities, which further boosts the economy of a country. Today, women are pursuing degrees in various fields and are being hired in top positions, standing as role models for generations to come. 

Why online degrees help women  

The advantages that come with online degrees have made them extremely desirable today. Be it flexibility, accessibility, or career advancement, online degrees help you in many ways. Whether you are a working woman, a new mother, or an entrepreneur, online degrees can be extremely helpful.  

Working women: Online degrees majorly benefit working women who want to either enhance their skills or those who want to get on the leadership track. They can expand their knowledge and apply what they study practically on the job. This could lead to better career prospects and a higher pay scale.  

New mothers: New mothers can pursue an online degree from the comfort of their homes. While taking care of their newborn, during their spare time, they can study and write exams. They can make the best of their maternity break by signing up for an online degree and kickstart their careers after the break.  

Entrepreneurs: Women running their own businesses can benefit from an online degree. They can enhance their skills and learn the crux of running a business. An online MBA helps women entrepreneurs grow in their business and acquire skills that the market demands today.  

Attain your unfulfilled dreams: There are several women who wouldn’t have pursued their dreams due to several reasons. Some might be married off soon, or others might drop out of college due to other personal reasons. Individuals pursue degrees not only to get a job, but also for personal satisfaction, independence and other factors. In that sense, an online degree will give wings to all your unfulfilled dreams. 

Women from all walks of life can pursue an online degree due to its accessibility, ease of learning and many other advantages. Here are a few- 

Flexibility: One of the best aspects of online degrees is utmost flexibility. Working women can pursue online degrees from anywhere, without quitting their jobs. Homemakers can pursue an online degree from the comfort of their homes while balancing their family life. Also, women who dropped out of college due to unavoidable circumstances can take up an online degree and give wings to their dreams.

Accessibility: You can attend classes from your phone or laptop, which means you can learn from any part of the world. You can attend online classes and study at your own pace.   

Affordability: The cost-effectiveness of online degrees is another factor that makes them desirable. You can spend less and learn at your own pace.  

Learn at your own pace: Whether you’re a working woman, a homemaker or running a business, you can sign up for an online degree since you can learn at your own pace.  

UGC-entitled degree: Online degrees are valued and credible just like a traditional on-campus degree. They are UGC-entitled.  

Online degrees are a way to set yourself free from the obstacles that come in your way. Especially for most women, who usually multitask and are occupied with taking care of their families, they can pursue a degree from the comfort of their homes, without hampering their regular duties.  

The Online Manipal advantage  

With Online Manipal, you can pursue a hassle-free online degree. You can obtain a valuable online degree from top universities including Manipal Academy of Higher Education (MAHE), and Manipal University Jaipur (MUJ). You can learn anywhere, anytime at your own pace. Our courses are designed by industry experts and degrees are globally valid and recognized. You can attend live classes in real-time and revisit recorded sessions.  

Degrees pave way for your independence, and for women especially, degrees are of utmost importance. Be it traditional on-campus or online degrees, they’re a way to claim your independence and pave way for a bright future.  

Is print media here to stay?

The fading popularity of print media has been a topic of debate for quite a while now. Ask the youth the last time they pored over a newspaper or any printed news, they would point to days which are far behind a year or two. The growing impact of digital media is quite evident from the increasing number of its users and its consumption rates. Read this alongside the closure of many news houses particularly in the west while almost all print news firms have started their online/digital versions to cater to the new consumers. Are these factors pointing to the closing down of print media altogether?  

For the question to be answered, primarily, we have to look into what encompasses the print media. All mass communication or dissemination of information, be it news, views or advertising in the printed format makes it the print media. In the words of Jay Goldscher, president and CEO of Printing and Graphics Association Mid Atlantic (PGAMA): “When you look around today, everything you see is printed, but people don’t connect that with the printing industry. And that’s the future.”   

That majorly sums up the answer to the cynical viewpoint of many. It is easier to scribble the obituary of print, but a detailed study of its various aspects would reveal it otherwise. 

Reasons for the twilight of print media 

There indeed has been a major shift in the consumption patterns of media in recent years, with more and more of the younger generation opting for just digital media, owing to its interactive nature and fast-paced communication. Small-time market players also prefer to advertise in online media as they find it cost-effective compared to print.  

Counting the shortcomings of print media unravels many factors including its inability to cater to a specific audience (unlike many digital platforms which address specific groups), delay in the delivery of news and information and its limited reach to people with visual impairment. It may be recalled that the audio version and other accessibility options of various digital media is a real blessing for those who are challenged by vision or have low literacy levels. 

The print media also conduct one-way communication with the audience and pose a threat to the ecosystem. Moreover, commercials in print are exorbitantly priced making it almost impossible for small and medium industries and business firms to find a place in them. This also makes them less affordable when compared to their digital counterpart. 

Advantages of print over digital media 

Despite all these, print media are considered more trustworthy than digital media because the latter churns out fake news incessantly as there are no gatekeeping strategies in them. Anything and everything become news in the digital world and the consumer is left clueless as to what exactly makes news. Over-exposure to digital platforms creates a ‘digital fatigue’ among users. 

It is also understood that print lets your mind wander a little while going through the information, whereas distractions are quite rife in the digital world. Scrolling and reading through the text also becomes a dreary task when done for a considerable period. The major advantage of print comes to the fore in terms of its potential for attracting consumers through its advertising spaces even when it is expensive, compared to the digital. 

Even while you are able to carry a whole library of books and journals in the digital format, the tactility of the print makes it a preferred medium for many. Another reason for its choice over the digital is the lesser eye strain when compared to the backlit screen of the digital media. Growing literacy among the developing and underdeveloped regions is also a reason for print to thrive for a longer period now. 


Why print is better than digital? 

A few scientific studies also recommend the use of print for better comprehension and learning as in the case of the University of Maryland. In the Journal of Experimental Education, a study from the University points to better retention of information through print than digital. College students who preferred digital texts for their study also proved to show better recalling capacity from the printed material than the digital, the study concluded.   

A study by the Reading Centre of Stavanger, Norway found differences in the comprehension capacity of the readers between the print and digital formats. It was found that complex content was better understood by participants while reading through printed material. 

Having said that, the compact ‘all-in-one’ nature of digital media as available in the smartphone or laptop is enough reason for people to choose it over the other. The blow on the ecosystem by the print also spells its death knell. The reality is that paper can be recycled and resources for it replenished in a human lifetime, but there is no recycling power yet. The point is worth pondering.  

The ease and convenience of each media distinguish it from the rest, and one cannot be a total replacement for the other. With technological advancements, they may and can prove useful and advantageous when used together. It is the age of information explosion, and given the present scenario, the merits of each medium will see it as having a long road ahead. That perhaps applies to the print too! 

Learn modern media practices with an online master’s degree in journalism and mass communication from the expert faculty at Manipal University Jaipur (MUJ).


  1. https://lockhartadvantage.com/blog/digital-vs-print-what-science-says-about-memory-emotional-impact-comprehension-and-persuasion/
  2. https://advertisersprinting.com/blog/print-vs-digital-rebirth-print-media-digital-age/
  3. https://www.groupdiscussionideas.com/print-media-vs-digital-media/
  4. https://www.mediaupdate.co.za/media/149922/what-does-the-future-have-in-store-for-print-media
  5. https://www.techtic.com/blog/digital-vs-print-media/

How Artificial Intelligence re-invents IT Sector

Artificial Intelligence is not something that is re-inventing the IT Industry, but it builds our IT industry. But did you know that AI as a technology is not something that we stumbled upon? Yes, you heard it right, AI as technology was being developed right from the first Industrial Revolution. The idea of an AI lies in the understanding of how things can work on their own.

This idea was propelled more with the advent of robotics, even before computers were developed. The term AI was coined by an American Computer Scientist named “John McCarthy” in 1956 during a conference at Dartmouth College.   

Artificial Intelligence in the IT sector has been there for decades though we didn’t call it “Intelligence” per se; neither do we still call them so. We call them testing the programs or test cases. A huge number of Manual and Automatic Testing Software were built, and “testers” were trained to do one job – test the code written by developers of software of all the use cases of the software built.

Well, that is a version of the software with its own “intelligence” to test software. Today, when we try to implement these test cases with complex algorithms it becomes “Artificial Intelligence”.  

Role of AI in the IT sector 

The role of AI in the IT sector has been and is being changed as per industry requirements. With the advent of Industry Revolution 5.0, the requirements have changed from using AI to test or perform steps repetitively to analyzing the tonnes and tonnes of data collected over the years to suggest business model changes and make data-driven decisions by the C-level officer. The benefit of using AI is that the more data we collect, the more we understand what needs to be changed.   

Let’s take an example of a refrigerator integrated with sensors and a data collection node which sends data continuously to the manufacturer to understand the working of their product.  

Based on the data collected, the manufacturer can monitor and make decisions on improving the build quality in their next iteration. This is done using AI algorithms to analyze data collected and help the manufacturer officials to take data-driven informed decisions for their business. This is just an example of how AI drives a company’s decision for its business and new product launches.  

Artificial Intelligence in the IT sector is not only limited to analyzing textual data but machine learning, deep learning, natural language processing, image processing, and speech recognition. These terms have been researched and implemented over and over again to improve their efficiency to get 100% accuracy so that one day these algorithms will be self-sustained and will require little to no human intervention.   

AI in the IT sector has not only reformed the way businesses make decisions but re-invented the way we think. From designing an iPhone to give the general population the feel of owning luxury to letting the data-driven algorithms i.e., AI make decisions in what changes to be made in the next iPhone, it’s not only Apple working towards it but every industry which has data from the last 262 years.  

There will be a turning point in the next 5-10 years, where the AI that we have been building will come together and drive the decision of how the earth needs to be protected (unless we accidentally create “Terminator” level AI “Skynet” which is hell-bent on destroying us) and advanced at the same time making us the most intelligent living organism in the whole world. I look at the world being transformed with the help of AI, and the whole earth looks like one cybernetic organism.


The IT industry has already been re-invented while spreading its legs in healthcare, the automotive industry, agriculture, government decisions and more. The millennial, Gen-Z population is not only going to reap the benefits of AI but be part of AI, which re-invents the IT sector. 

You can enter the IT industry with confidence by pursuing an in-demand online program from Online Manipal. Check out the details of online MCA from NAAC A+ Manipal University Jaipur (MUJ) and online M.Sc. in Data Science and online MBA in Data Science from the prestigious Manipal Academy of Higher Education (MAHE)

The prominence of vendor management – An EdTech perspective

A decade ago, would you have envisioned education to be accessible at your fingertips in the comfort of your surroundings and convenience? Education could never have been perceived without physical books and classrooms for anyone. And then came the internet revolution, and technology became habitual to people. With the pandemic, technology expanded beyond bonds, and education moved from the classroom to virtual space.  

EdTech, one of the industries that thrived during the pandemic has been a breeding ground for numerous budding industries in and around its domain. EdTech ie., Education Technology uses hardware and software technology to augment the learning experience of students on a virtual platform. The advent of technology into this sector has been showing remarkable engagements in enhancing the learning experiences of numerous learners and paving a way for education to shift from traditional to interactive and digitalized formats.  

The integration of AR and VR in EdTech solutions helps offer an interactive experience to learners. It permits learners to discover and seamlessly connect with abstract concepts and subsequently drives learner engagement. The focus of this industry has always been to impart relentless learning experiences to all prospective learners irrespective of various barriers.  

With the pandemic, the user base of this industry has grown tremendously, experiencing the ease of accomplishing education. Moreover, learners now need everything at their fingertips, including learning and experiences. It is also remarkable that this sector specifically has been a boon to learners, especially those with physical disabilities. We can witness more traction in this sector as they evolve in line with the advances in the latest technologies, such as IoT, AI, and AR/VR, and contribute significantly to the market’s growth.  

The global education technology market size was valued at USD 106.46 billion in 2021 and is expected to expand at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 16.5% from 2022 to 2031. The global education technology market is constantly experiencing a digital revolution with the emergence of artificial intelligence and digitalization.  

ALSO READ: Top trends in the supply chain management industry 

This also points out that being a service industry, the sustainability of this sector is purely dependent on the experience, that they render to their learners. These experiences need to be curated as per the appetite of today’s learners. So, it is imperative that content keeps up with the behavioural changes of learners. This is the core of the EdTech business. Content creation and delivery form the crux of this business model. Content involves everything from images to video, audio, multimedia, and text. Considering the huge base of prospective learners in this market, there are enormous deliverables in hand for these EdTech companies. This is where the vendors come into picture. 

Role of vendors in the EdTech sector 

For an EdTech that caters to the learning requirements of enterprises and individuals, the product offerings will differ not only in terms of the content but also in terms of the diverse ways of delivery. In this situation, it will not be cost-effective to house all resources internally to create these product offerings. Vendors are used not only for technological interventions but also for embedding content and technology according to clients’ requirements. The bigger the offerings, the bigger could be the vendor list. With the growing vendors come the challenges in managing them. Maintaining an amicable relationship with the vendors is productive for both parties as this could lead to sustainable associations. However, any dispute will ultimately impact the quality of deliverables.  

Some of the best practices of EdTech companies include effective vendor management. Today, there are numerous technological products which help companies to manage vendors effectively. In EdTech companies, however, vendors are beyond just vendors – they assume the roles of co-creators and intellectual partners. In such scenarios, the human touch is the best management tool at hand. Communication becomes key in this regard. It should be kept in mind that in such collaborations, it is not just the investment in terms of money but time, resources and energy which is at stake. Hence, it is imperative to map these expectations with the vendors. This should be the first step in the onboarding process. Once there is a balance in this regard between the vendor and the team, then things will begin to roll.  

Since vendor engagement in EdTech involves technical academic and creative interventions, clarity in terms of deliverables with clear timelines needs to be discussed and communicated effectively to avoid future misunderstandings. In order to maintain an amicable resourceful relationship, it is important to have regular review and constructive feedback sessions. This will not only keep things on track but also give the vendors a sense of responsibility toward the projects and eventually mitigate risks for the company. This will also help in identifying non-compliance areas more effectively.  

Since there is a working relationship between both parties, it is inevitable that all interactions are documented and reviewed by concerned authorities. The continuous interactions can ultimately lead to some resourceful collaborations. One of the most crucial roles in the organization in this regard is the point of contact between the vendors and the team. The choice of this role needs additional attention as it is this role that will define vendor health in the organization.  

All the strategies mentioned earlier get enacted from this role. It must be noted here that when there is a cordial working relationship between vendors and a company, there is goodwill gets generated in the market for the company. And this adds to the brand values of the firm. And it all depends upon effective vendor management. 

Learn more about vendor management with online MBA in Operations Management or online PGCP in Logistics & Supply Chain Management at Online Manipal. 

A guide to MBA in data science

Key takeaways:

  • Data science is an exciting and sought-after profession in today’s digital era due to the continuous generation of enormous amounts of data daily.
  • Earning an MBA in data science instills aspiring candidates with basic knowledge and practical experience in management and business analytics.
  • MBA in data science available on the Online Manipal platform is recognized nationally and internationally due to its comprehensive curriculum. 
  • It shows that you are an expert in the field, making you the next competent and potential talent in the industry.

Data is considered the most critical aspect of the business landscape today. According to a recent report, most organizations consider data and analytics as key parts of their development strategies. Simply put, data science has a significant role in tackling various real-world challenges and producing the best outcomes, which various industries have now adopted.

Hence, talented professionals with data science skills are in high demand. If you are seeking a way to distinguish yourself in the competitive marketplace, you need to expand your data since your skill set and train in complex strategies. It will help you to make informed decisions with the benefit of businesses, opening up a promising career.

So, why should you opt for an MBA in data science? If you wish to be part of the digital revolutionized system, acquiring data literacy is the key to the path. Scroll down to explore everything you need to know about the MBA in data science course, from its curriculum to career opportunities.

MBA data science – Highlights

The field of data science offers meaningful and productive information based on a substantial level of complex or big data. Top recruiters highly prefer data science graduates as data is becoming more and more important in every industry. 

Here is some critical information you need to know before pursuing a two-year MBA program in data science.

Course duration24 months (15 -20 hours per week)
EligibilityRelevant bachelor’s degreeWork experience is desirable
Admission processProvide your personal details, academic details, work experience details along with an application fee of INR 1500 and upload the eligibility documents.
Course feeINR 2,60,000 (INR 65,000 each semester)
Type of examinationA virtual test combination of text, videos, and interactive quizzes
Average starting salaryINR 5L – 40L Per Annum
Top employersHCL, Infosys, Wipro, Google, LinkedIn, Facebook, Microsoft, Accenture, Reliance, Amazon, Deloitte, Boston Consulting Group, Tata Group, KPMG.
Job sectorHealthcare and medicine, Retail, Banking and finance, Construction, Transportation, Communication, media and entertainment, Education, Government, Energy and utilities.
Job rolesData analyst, Data scientist, Business analyst, Machine learning engineer, Data architect, Statistician, Chief technology officer, Chief data officer, Market research analyst, Business or analytics translator.

What is an MBA in data science?

An MBA in data science is a versatile degree that focuses on analyzing and using data in business. The course is designed to equip  students with the knowledge and skills to emerge as qualified professionals. It will help them apply the gained knowledge in various domains, from healthcare to information technology. This specialized field is in demand among students who want to develop their skills in data science management.

In a nutshell, the ultimate goal of the course is to train aspiring candidates to apply data science as an effective tool to achieve business-driven goals.

Why choose an MBA in Data Science?

Earning an MBA in data science will aid you in making a data-driven business decision with an outstanding understanding of key management and critical analytical expertise. In short, the course will make you an invaluable asset to an organization. Here we have mentioned some benefits of enrolling in MBA data science.

Great access to business networks

As an MBA student in data science, you will be exposed to various networking opportunities in business. The interaction will aid in accentuating your business capabilities with colleagues. Moreover, you will also have the chance to be a part of an extensive alumni network.

Emerging roles

Data collection is growing rapidly and consistently, so is the demand for professional data scientists with MBA degrees. Earning the degree will help you explore, detect, visualize, and communicate patterns in data, thereby increasing the organization’s efficiency.

Valuable skills

The course will equip  students with the necessary knowledge and experience to become successful professionals in data science. If you pursue the program, you will be able to evaluate the objective of the task at ease, as you will be trained for these business acumen skills.

Who should choose an MBA in Data Science?

Today, businesses are not only about finances but also about the massive flow of data that has to be analyzed to make better business strategies. An MBA in data science for working professionals helps them earn a reputable position with an organization as well as enhances their salary potential. The program is suitable for – 

  • Working professionals who are seeking the opportunity to upgrade their career position.
  • Individuals are looking for a better career transition in the field of data science.
  • Young and aspiring entrepreneurs want to build their brands from scratch or strengthen their success strategies.

Admission process

The application can be submitted online at www.mahe.www.onlinemanipal.com by providing the required details, including proof of identity, address, educational qualification, and professional experience. Once you provide the necessary details, the MAHE admission counselor will contact you to assist with the application process. 

Eligibility criteria for MBA Data Science

An MBA in data science enhances the ability and transforms the capacity of students to make better business decisions. However, they have to meet certain eligibility criteria, such as the following.

Educational QualificationIndian Candidates – 10+2+3 year graduate degree in Statistics / Mathematics / Computer Science / Engineering / Technology OR any other discipline with a minimum of two years of learning Mathematics or statistics from a recognized university/institution with an equivalent qualification recognized by the Association of Indian Universities (AIU) International Candidates- Candidates must have completed a graduation degree certificate of equivalence from the Association of Indian Universities required from students with a foreign education to apply to any university in India.
Professional ExperienceWork experience is desirable

How to apply for an MBA in data science?

To complete the initial application process. Candidates are required to provide their academic details and work experience details by paying an application fee of INR 1500. 

Here are the necessary documents one has to upload to complete the application process,

  • Proof of identity – Aadhaar card, passport, voter’s ID, PAN card with photograph, any other Govt.-issued photo identity card
  • Proof of address – Aadhaar card, passport, voter’s ID, gas bill, bank statement, post-paid mobile statement
  • Educational Qualification – Graduation mark sheets/transcript of all semesters & the degree certificate
  • Professional Experience – Work experience certificate

Selection process

Once the candidates have submitted their application process, their applications will be examined further for final selection. The steps in the process are as follows –

  • The application of the student for the online program will be evaluated by the Admissions team of Manipal Academy of Higher Education (MAHE). 
  • Once the details, eligibility documents, and work experience details are verified, the University will send the communication to your registered email ID to pay semester fees. They may choose to pay semester fees/annual fees/full program fees.
  • If the university requires further clarification on your eligibility documents, the students will be intimated via email, SMS/WhatsApp, or a phone call.
  • The candidates will get to know their admission status within 5-7 working days after applying.
  • Once the admission is confirmed, MAHE will inform the candidate via email and SMS regarding further details.

Fee structure for MBA in Data Science

The fee for an MBA in  data science varies depending on the type of institution and the mode of education you choose. MAHE’s 2-year online course fee costs INR 2,60,000, which is INR 65,000 for each semester.

What will you learn in MBA Data Science?

In the MBA data science specialization,  students will learn to be prepared for risk management, public finance, management counseling, and strategic planning. The course deals with acquiring greater knowledge in big data analysis, decision-making analysis, and problem-solving skills in various sectors, from e-commerce to education. The program covers database knowledge, R and Python programing, machine learning, probability, statistics, and applied data analytics.

MBA data science – semester-wise subjects

The program curriculum is designed to cover the core fundamentals of the field, training the candidates to view business from a data-driven perspective. Let us take a look at the subjects covered in MBA data science. 

  • Database management
  • Programing with R and Python
  • Machine learning methods
  • Probability and probability distribution
  • Statistical inference
  • Applied data analytics

Data Science skills you will learn from an MBA

Given the demand for management professionals in the data science field, enrolling in the MBA data science might be the right thing to gain a competitive edge over other candidates. Here are the top data science skills you will learn from the course.

  • Python

Python is an integral and interpreted programing language in the data science industry. The course emphasizes code readability and its notable use of significant whitespace.

  • SAS

SAS (Statistical Analysis System) is considered the pioneer in business analytics software and services essential for business administration in data science.

  • Excel

Excel is another important software in the program where the students can learn to inspect gathered data. 

  • Data management

The course also helps  students to collect and analyze large sets of unstructured and structured data from different sources. It will help derive actionable insights to make better decisions for the future. 

What are the different types of MBAs in Data Science?

If you decide to pursue an MBA in data science, you need to analyze the different ways to complete the degree. Whether full-time, part-time, or online, the endpoint of the program is to pave a successful career path for the candidates.Let us take a brief look at the different types of MBA in Data Science.

Regular MBA in data science

It is a traditional program with a duration of 2 years where students can attend regular classes on weekdays. Moreover, they will also have the opportunity to be part of clubs, associations, and sports events.

Distance MBA in data science

MBA in distance mode allows students to study without physically attending classes. The institution will provide them with the necessary study material like books and other reference material via post.. In short, the course is about remote self-study, suitable for working professionals.

Online MBA in data science

The online MBA in data science allows candidates to take classes through online mode and virtual interactions. The course offers video seminars, live and recorded sessions, e-learning material and e-libraries that students can refer for study.  An online MBA is suitable for those who want to study anywhere, or for working professionals who want to pursue a degree without quitting their jobs.

Can I Pursue MBA Data Science online?

Individuals who are aspiring to transit or initiate their career in data science can enroll in one of the best MBA in data science colleges in India. However, you need to find the right place to start your online academic journey. At Online Manipal, Manipal Academy of Higher Education offers an online MBA in Data Science with various benefits, including –

  • Flexibility to take classes and exams from anywhere as per the convenience of candidates.
  • The course is highly effective yet affordable in tuition fees.
  • Earning an online MBA degree in data science opens up a wide range of career options

Which is the best place to learn MBA in Data Science?

MAHE’s MBA in data science available on the Online Manipal platform offers one of the best online MBA in data science programs. The course aims to update professionals with the latest skills and enable them to stay ahead with recent tools and techniques to boost their work performance and earning potential. Some of the best facilities are-

  • Renowned faculties from the industry
  • Online coursework and comprehensive study material
  • Practice business cases for better exposure and exploration
  • Hands-on experience with Python, R, and other relevant tools

Learning outcomes

  • Learn to combine data visualization and predictive models to enhance the accuracy of predictions.
  • Acquire expertise in using a wide range of tools and software packages
  • Create and develop regressing models to determine the effect of attributes and predict likely outcomes.

Career options after MBA in Data Science

There are countless jobs after pursuing an MBA in data science. A career in data science will prepare you to face new challenges everyday, where you have to adapt to different environments based on the needs of the organization and clients. However, it will expand your knowledge and enhance your career. 

Job roles for MBA graduates in Data Science

Since the world is inclined toward data, the demand for data scientists is also increasing every day. Here’s the outline of MBA in data science salary, respective to the position.

Job roleAverage salary
Data scientistINR  10.6 LPA
Data architectINR 23.1 LPA
Data analystINR  6 LPA
Machine learning engineerINR 7.8 LPA

Source: Ambition Box 

Higher education options

After completing the MBA in data science,  graduates can land in better-paying job opportunities. However, they can also continue their higher education by pursuing either PhD or enrolling in an Executive MBA program. These courses will allow aspiring candidates to make a big difference in the field by gaining more practical knowledge and experience in solving complex real-world situations.

FAQs around MBA in Data Science

Q. How can I pursue an MBA in data science in online mode?

Various colleges in India offer online MBAs in data science. You can apply to the institution online to pursue the course. MAHE’s MBA in data science online program available on the Online Manipal platform is among the best options available in the country. provides the best MBA in data science, designed by MAHE to suit the specific requirements of the candidates.

Q. Is there any entrance exam for MBA in data science?

The entrance exam for MBA admission in data science solely depends on your chosen institution. Though the entrance exam is compulsory for a regular MBA program, it is not mandatory for online mode.

Q. What career opportunities will I get after completing the MBA in data science?

Some potential job roles include  data scientists, data analysts, market research analysts, product managers, business analysts, and more across healthcare, retail, banking, automobile, media, and communication sectors.

Q. Is it worth pursuing an MBA in data science?

Yes, the data sciencedomain has been consistently growing for years and is nowhere near ceasing its development anytime soon. Considering the market trends, the need for management professionals is high..

Q. Do I need to know Python for joining the MBA in data science?

It is not mandatory to have any programing skills to enroll in an online MBA in data science. The curriculum is developed to equip the students with these essential skills. Nonetheless, prior knowledge of the tools and programs will be an advantage.


Data science proves and promises to be a highly useful factor in predicting the future trends and outcomes of various businesses across different verticals. Hence it is no surprise that the demand for data science professionals is spiking off the chart. If you want to be among them, it’s time to act and further your education by obtaining formalized training. 

In today’s workforce, organizations of all verticals depend on big data for every operation, from hiring to decision-making practices. There has been a greater opportunity for the demand and supply of data science professionals, not only in India but also across the world. Enrolling in the MBA in data science at Online Manipal will help you gain essential management skills, ensuring a future-proof career. 

How to become a full stack developer?

Full stack developers specialize in both front-end and back-end web development. The ability to build an entire web application from scratch requires full stack development skills, which are always in demand. To become a full-stack developer, you must first understand two fundamental web development concepts: the front end and the back end.

Front-end developer

Front-end web development is also called the client-side or customer-facing side, referring to all of the elements of a computer application with which users directly interact. Front-end developers build and optimize visible parts of a website so that they are adaptive to various viewing environments such as smartphones, tablets, and desktop computers. To create an engaging site, they use client-facing programming languages such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

Back-end developer

A back-end developer necessitates programmers to create and refine the internal software that runs a company’s databases, servers, and proprietary software. Back-end developers are in charge of creating the pathways that deliver information to and from front-end interface users.

Full Stack Developer

A full stack developer is a web programmer who makes websites and web applications. The term “full stack” refers to the entire front and back-end architecture of a website or application. Full stack professionals, as one might expect, can address both sides of website development. A full stack developer is skilled in several technologies that aid in the development of a robust tech product and thus plays a vital role in a company’s decision-making. It is one of the most in-demand positions in the software industry.

Benefits of being a Full Stack Developer 

The following are the advantages of being a full stack developer-

  • Full stack developers are well versed in front- and back-end technologies, so they can easily switch projects when necessary.
  • Full stack developers have a diverse skill set, because of which they can perform a wide range of tasks and work on a variety of projects.
  • Full stack developers reduce project communication gaps because, in most cases, they can implement changes independently.

What does a full stack developer do?

The following are the responsibilities of a full stack developer –

  • Design prototypes and build websites with the user interface team.
  • Manage all steps of website development.
  • Communicating with customers to assess product effectiveness
  • Manage all databases and server-related administration duties. Manage all user interactions via front-end architecture.
  • Know back-end design and development, including at least one framework associated with the language of choice.
  • Ensure all platforms, including Linux, macOS, and Windows, run smoothly.
  • Know the front end and any related frameworks.
  • Create APIs that are responsible for data retrieval.
  • Knowledge of database and server administration is required for website functionality.
  • Meet both technical and consumer demands.

You may also like: Steps on how to become a system administrator

Concepts you need to master to become a full stack developer

The knowledge of the following is essential for becoming a full-stack developer:

Bootstrap – Bootstrap is an open-source front-end framework for developing modern apps. It is one of the most effective full-stack frameworks, with CSS and JavaScript-based design templates. If you want to work as a full-stack developer, you should learn more about Bootstrap.

JAVA – Java is a versatile programming language. It can be used to create web, desktop, and mobile applications. Furthermore, Java has a plethora of frameworks that help to simplify the process of back-end development.

CSS – CSS or Cascading Style Sheets is a tool for designing and styling a website, and it also helps in determining the look of a website. It is important for full stack developers to know the same elements of HTML as it can be presented effectively only through the knowledge of CSS. 

HTML – HTML or Hypertext Markup Language is used for adding web content and helps determine the look of a website. Full stack developers need to know the same as they have to use it to define the structure of web pages using markup.

Javascript – It is an essential skill for becoming a full stack developer. The object-oriented scripting language is primarily used for adding HTML behaviours. Javascript is one of the most popular languages used for coding, whether front-end or back-end code, and is the only language that can be used in the browser and the server.

SQL- SQL or Structured Query Language is an important tool for manipulating relational databases. Apart from that, it allows for faster deletion and inserting of records, as well as the execution of tasks such as creating new tables, establishing table permissions, and running file queries against databases.

Object-Oriented Programming – Object-oriented programming is a fundamental programming paradigm used by many programming languages, including C and Java. It is the process of modelling a system as a collection of objects, with each object representing a different aspect of the system. Objects are made up of both functions (or methods) and data. An object provides a public interface to other code that wishes to use it while maintaining its own private, internal state; other parts of the system are not required to be concerned with what is happening inside the object.

DBMS – A database management system is a software used to manage databases. These are widely used in a variety of applications. DBMS provides an interface for performing various operations such as database creation, data storage, data updating, table creation in the database, and much more. It ensures the database’s safety and security, and data consistency in the case of multiple users.

Steps to become a full stack developer

Roadmap for a full stack developer

The following is the roadmap for a full stack developer –

Identify the skills required 

Each learner’s path will differ slightly depending on their prior experience and skill set. To become a developer, you will need specialised training and project experience if you are a complete beginner so choose a full stack developer course accordingly. The same is true for amateurs, who will need to learn much more than professional developers who want to advance in their careers. The skills required include mastering HTML, Javascript, CSS, Java, Object Oriented Programming, SQL, etc.

Decide a timeline 

You will need to decide on a particular timeline for your educational journey and whether you want to take a part-time course alongside your current job or a full-time course to land a job as soon as possible. You will also have to decide whether you want theory focused education or a quick learning skills-based one.

Develop a portfolio

Portfolios are the first impression of you in front of the interviewer. If you have done any particular project, you need to show them. It would be best to mention the technologies you have used and your role and provide proof of the same. As a full stack developer, you should show excellent technical skills.

Start a job search

You’re ready to start job hunting once you’ve built a portfolio with two or more polished projects. Although it can be intimidating, a proper resume and skill set can catch the attention of a hiring manager. Make a point of defining your career goals ahead of time, getting feedback on your cover letter, and tailoring your resume to the specific positions you’re applying for. Contact companies directly, attend career fairs, and sign up for weekly job alerts.

Give the interview

Before giving the interview, hone your skills and attempt the interview confidently. Showcase your skills, and prepare for verbal explanations.

What is the demand for a full stack developer?

Reasons for the increasing demand for full stack developers:

Scarcity of qualified professionals

While the world is seeing an increase in professionals, they are also seeing a lack of skills and expertise to hold the responsibilities of a mid-level executive or team leader and developer. The term “lack of job-ready force” refers to a system of professionals who are not prepared to be left alone to carry out product development.

Expanding job opportunities

With the enormous profits that come with hiring a full stack developer, companies, mostly startups with a financial clock that is constantly ticking, prefer to hire them over individual stack developers.

Landscapes of growth

The industry’s massive growth promises are driving the rising demand for full stack development experts. The expansion of the startup culture in all corners of the world is a feature of the sectors facing a significant demand increase from all projections of the industry.

Extensive demand

This is a highly sought-after profession. From startups to large enterprises, full stack engineers are in high demand across all sectors of the economy. The demand from businesses for full-stack developers has increased as a result of their persistent superior performance over partial job specialists.

How much does a full stack developer earn?

It is quite difficult to select a career in technology because it often becomes obsolete. It is important to choose an option that stays in demand for years and does not become obsolete. Full stack development is one such option. The need for full stack developers is increasing. And businesses are desperate for talented individuals who can work with both HTML and PHP. Companies are willing to pay significantly more to talented freshers and experienced senior professionals in response to the rising demand.

Having the necessary skills and staying updated with the latest developments in the industry are the most important things on which the salary scale depends. The pay scale of a full stack developer will vary based on main factors like experience, skills, location, and company. . The cities with a shortage of talent for technical roles offer the highest salary to a full stack developer to attract more qualified and experienced professionals for the job. So, what is the salary of a full stack developer in India? The average salary of a Full Stack Developer in India is approximately ₹ 6.5 Lakhs per year. 

Full stack developer salary in India – Based on experience

The more years of experience a full stack developer will have, the higher their pay package is likely to be. Let’s see how the salary of a full stack developer in India varies with experience.

  • Fresher full stack developer’s salary – The average starting salary of a full stack developer in India is around ₹2.4 Lakhs per year. There are various full stack developer jobs available for freshers in India.
  • Experienced full stack developer’s salary – A senior full stack developer salary in India is about  ₹ 17.0  Lakhs per year.

How does a BCA degree lay a strong foundation for a full stack developer?

Completing a degree in computer science or a related field is the first step toward becoming a full stack developer. You can earn a Bachelor of Engineering or a Bachelor of Technology in computer science. Some employers may prefer candidates who have a Bachelor of Computer Application (BCA) or a Bachelor of Science (BSc) in computer science. Completing your graduation can help you persuade hiring managers that you have basic and advanced coding skills.

As a full stack developer, you will most likely use various programming languages, such as SQL, JavaScript, and Python, depending on the project requirements. Understanding these front-end applications can help you create websites with a variety of patterns and concepts. Proficiency in languages like HTML and CSS can help you build a strong foundation. You can learn all these fundamental programming languages in a BCA course.

Apart from the aesthetics and layout of a website or web application, developers must be familiar with development frameworks and tools. Often, hiring managers prefer candidates who have an in-depth understanding of how frameworks and libraries call the code into action. It is most useful in back-end and front-end development. This position requires a basic understanding of jquery, Angularjs, and REACT, which you can learn in a BCA programme.

Every website or web application necessitates the use of a database to store data. A solid understanding and proficiency with various databases, such as MongoDB, and SQL, is required for the position of a full stack developer, which is a part of the BCA curriculum.

You can fine-tune your programming and database skills by creating basic websites, designing them, and accessing them from various devices. The more you practice, the more you’ll understand design and deployment. It can aid in the development of interactive and visually appealing websites and web applications. You can do all this while pursuing a BCA course.

Also read: How can BCA graduates increase their earning potential?

Hone your software skills with an online MCA degree

The MCA course will teach students how to create better computer applications and software. Numerous career opportunities are associated with the MCA degree, and students may find excellent employment opportunities in top IT firms, MNCs, and consulting firms. Candidates with advanced computer skills are in high demand in the IT industry, and MCA graduates will also have numerous opportunities in the government sector. Candidates can pass interviews and obtain desired positions based on their skills and calibre. Candidates must be able to work on live projects as entry-level programmers and maintain software and applications.

Check out: Top 5 MCA job choices you have after getting a UGC-approved online degree?

Prefer Manipal University Jaipur for quality online education

The online BCA programme at Manipal University Jaipur aims to provide students with exceptional skills in software development, enabling them to succeed in the software industry. It also teaches students how to develop their soft skills. This Bachelor of Computer Applications program seeks to develop competent and motivated individuals who can excel professionally with their academic skills.

The department’s goal is to provide high-quality training to students using cutting-edge computer technology. To ensure that students are well-prepared to deal with the constant changes in the field of information technology, the department regularly updates the academic syllabus. The curriculum is intended to be flexible and broad in scope, integrating advanced technologies while ensuring that students comprehend the basics.


A full stack developer is skilled in several technologies that aid in the development of a robust tech product and thus plays an important role in a company’s decision-making. It is one of the most in-demand positions in the software industry. Full stack developers work on important problems that require data analysis. They individually evaluate their work while adhering to employee standards. It is highly regarded and relied upon by full stack developers to offer solutions to experiments that require challenging practice. Web developers that work across the entire stack continue to advance technically. They enable cross-sectional gatherings to discuss needs and product concepts. Full stack developers must work effectively to maintain relationships with suppliers and technical partners. To maintain a strong technological orientation for their business, they should keep up with relevant technology and market developments.

What is the importance of WES evaluation for degrees?

What is WES?

WES stands for World Education Services. It is a non-profit organisation that offers credential evaluation services for international students and immigrants who are planning to study or work in the U.S. and Canada. The organisation was established in 1974 and is based out of New York, U.S but it also has its operations in Toronto, Canada.

Why should you get your credentials evaluated by WES?

 A WES evaluation is your ticket to education and employment in countries like the U.S and Canada. If you completed your education outside of the U.S.or Canada, you must have your credentials evaluated by WES. Whether you want to pursue higher education, need professional licensing, or seek employment in these countries, the WES evaluation ensures that your international academic credentials are recognised.  

WES evaluation process

A WES evaluation is a comparison of your academic credentials to the norms in the U.S. or Canada. The evaluation report helps schools, colleges, employers, licensing boards, or immigration authorities better comprehend your educational background. It verifies and ensures that your credentials are legitimate.

The WES evaluation process involves four steps:

  • Application submission: Submit your application on the WES website and get your reference number
  • Document submission: Organise all the required documents and have your college send it to the WES along with the complete fee payment in a sealed envelope. The documents submitted by students, agents, or anybody else are not accepted by WES. Make certain that the only entity submitting the documents is your educational institution. The documents must be sent in the manner specified for that country (or territory) and credential. 
  • Document verification: Once WES receives all the mandatory documents, it will begin the evaluation process  to ensure that they are authentic and issued by duly recognized institutions.. If any document is missing, WES immediately sends out a “Document Request” for the missing files. Until all necessary documents are received, your document verification will be put on hold. 
  • Report generation: Analysts evaluate the documents and assess their equivalency in terms of Canadian or U.S. education. Once the evaluation is done they generate the evaluation report and deliver it to your recipients.

Documents required

Depending on your country of education, type of education, etc. the list of necessary documents varies in the US and Canada. You can view the list of required documents on the WES website. Some of the essential documents required include a:Provisional Degree Certificate and Annual Statement of Marks. 

If you possess a Master of Engineering, Master of Education, Master of Technology, or Master of Philosophy degree, you don’t need to send your undergraduate degree documents. If your master’s degree does not cover one of the aforementioned categories, you must also show proof of your bachelor’s degree.

The documents must have the date and signature or stamp of the college’s designated authentication officer.across the back flap of the envelope. WES will outright reject it if the envelope has been opened or if the stamp or signature on the back flap is not present. The Academic Records Request form, which you must include with your transcripts in a sealed envelope, must be signed by the college registrar as well.

Types of WES evaluation

Document-by-Document: This evaluation contains a summary of your academic background, including your name, your university’s name, the year you received your degree, and your major field of study. Additionally, it gives each credential’s equivalent in the US and Canada.

Course-by-Course: Along with the previously mentioned details, this evaluation also includes a list of all post-secondary disciplines and their equivalent grades in the US and Canada.

CPA Evaluation: The candidates taking the Certified Public Accountant (CPA) examinations will find this evaluation helpful.

WES evaluation fee

Document-by-document evaluation 

WES ICAP – $147

WES basic – $102

Course-by-course evaluation

WES ICAP – $208

WES basic – $163 

Note: Price does not include delivery or additional fees. If you choose WES basic for your evaluation, you can upgrade to WES ICAP for $45 if your evaluation is still in-progress.


WES evaluation time

Depending on the kind of service the student has requested, WES typically completes the evaluation procedure in 7 business days. The evaluation of WES could take longer if more evidence, investigation, or correspondence is needed.

Is it necessary for institutions to be listed under WES?

It is not necessary for an institute to be listed under WES. However, WES will evaluate your credentials only if you received your degree from a duly accredited and recognised university.

For students who desire to study or work in the USA or Canada, the WES assessment is crucial. It provides the grade equivalents of your academic results in the USA and Canada. Evaluate your academic performance and consider your prospects of being accepted to the university of your choice.

How do students from Manipal University Jaipur and Manipal Academy of Higher Education apply for WES accreditation?

To get a WES accreditation for any degree, the university must be recognised by the local regulatory body. The on-campus and online degrees provided by both Manipal University Jaipur(MUJ) and Manipal Academy of Higher Education(MAHE) are UGC-entitled as they provide high quality education and adhere to the educational norms set by the regulatory body.

Students who wish to pursue higher education or employment in the US or Canada can apply for the WES accreditation through their respective universities upon successful completion of their degree. Their academic reports will be converted into transcripts and will be sent to the WES by their university. WES evaluates the transcripts and issues a report based on the candidate’s scores and other credentials.

What factors reduce the cost of MBA online programs?

With each passing day, the popularity of online MBA programmes is growing. The worth of an online MBA has greatly increased due to the rapid growth of online education and the industry’s increasing need for MBA graduates. Nowadays, many applicants are trying to get into top colleges and universities that provide quality online MBA programmes. We must therefore have prior knowledge about online MBA before enrolling into one. There is a misconception about online MBA programs that they are all extremely pricey, which is not true as reputable universities provide affordable online MBA programmes.

Numerous affordable online MBA programmes are available from prestigious Indian universities and institutions. These online MBA programs are more effective and thorough, giving you the chance to pursue your desired profession. 

An MBA can have several benefits, such as increased pay, improved skills, networking possibilities, and the possibility for career progression. An MBA is frequently needed for promotion to senior management positions, particularly in investment banking. However, there are a few challenges in pursuing a typical campus-based MBA programme. Work-life balance may not be possible with a campus schedule or the time commitment needed for in-person class attendance. 

Online MBA course overview

Features Information
Name Online MBA
LevelPost-Graduation (PG program) 
Course content online using a learning management system and video conferencing 
Eligibility criteria Graduation with a minimum of 45% to 50% marks or equal CGPA.Job experience (for some specific programmes)
Admission processEntrance exam or merit-based
Duration1 – 2 years 
Online MBAspecialisationsSales, marketing, business analytics, operations, finances, human resources, and human resources

Factors that make an online MBA affordable

  • No physical building/infrastructure – Since there is no physical infrastructure or college building involved in an online MBA, it ultimately reduces a huge fixed cost involvement.
  • Low operating cost – The operating costs are usually less in an online MBA.
  • No printed study material – While studying online MBA, there is not much requirement for physical study material or notes compared to offline MBA. The study material is shared in PDFs and Ebooks, which will help reduce costs.
  • No travelling expense – Travelling to the university’s location is another important aspect that significantly affects the cost of the mba online programmes. If you pursue an MBA course online, travelling costs will not affect your pocket anymore because an online MBA is way more convenient and easier to access from any place of your choice.
  • Low tuition fees – The highest expense in the cost of a programme is the cost of tuition. Most of the programme’s overall cost is made up of tuition. However, you should consider additional costs, the cost of materials, etc., when determining the programme’s total annual cost. An online MBA tuition fee is lower compared to an offline MBA, which ultimately makes an online MBA more affordable.

Things to consider before enrolling in an online MBA programme

When comparing online MBA programmes, there are many important things to take into account, such as requirements, accreditation, support, pricing, and other elements.

  • Accreditations/Recognitions/Rankings – It can be difficult to choose from the increasing number of online MBA programmes. Verify the online programme’s accreditation as a first step to make sure it’s credible. Check out the recognition and rankings the institute has received to know the authenticity of the programme. The standards of a business programme’s instruction, faculty, student support services should also be assessed.
  • Course curriculum – Check out the course curriculum of the programme in depth to make sure it is compatible with your career goals and skills and would help you advance in your career. 
  • Career options – It is worth investing in an MBA. Despite the fact that it is impossible to predict the future, you want to make sure you will have a wide range of employment options after graduation. Check out the job prospects you can apply for after completing the programme and the new career opportunities that can emerge.
  • Return on investment (ROI) – Do in-depth research and analysis on the return on investment that you can expect after completing the programme.
  • Placement assistance – You certainly don’t want to enrol in an MBA programme online only to find that the university doesn’t support it in the same way that it does for programmes that are taught on-campus. Make sure that the online courses have the same resources available as on-campus courses. See if the university you’ve chosen provides assistance to online students, such as career counselling services and placement assistance and opportunities.
  • Faculty – Check out the faculty members and the mentors of the programmes before enrolling in the programme. A capable and experienced faculty can provide you guidance in your career path and valuable skills to land your dream job. 
  • Learning management system (LMS) – Look in depth at the learning management system implemented in the programme to make sure it is easily accessible and easy to use and understand.
  • Affordability – You must take into account the cost of the programme before enrolling. Check out the detailed cost of the programme and how affordable it is before enrolling in it. Analyse the types of financial aid each programme provides, both based on need and merit. 

What makes an online MBA an ideal post-graduate programme?

Students in online MBA programmes benefit in a variety of ways both during their education and after they graduate, including improved flexibility and access to numerous resources. Because of this, many students find online programmes to be considerably more appealing than conventional on-campus ones. The advantages of earning an online MBA are outlined in the list below.

  • Accessibility – Your success may greatly benefit from having access to online lectures as well as other study materials from any location. You can pick the optimal study settings for your learning style and continue your MBA studies despite job changes, moving, travelling, or other changes in your life without missing deadlines.
  • Flexibility – In order to be flexible, you must be able to fit your studies around your current schedule instead of the other way around. You can take advantage of this advantage, for instance, if you are a rapid learner, to finish the online MBA degree sooner. Alternatively, several universities allow students to finish their degrees in as few as five or six years.
  • Diversity – By design, online MBA programmes, particularly those that emphasise globalisation and international business, provide a wealth of chances for networking with other students from around the globe. Studying online might be quite advantageous if you prefer a diversified atmosphere but live in a place where there isn’t much diversity.
  • Technology – Reading lists, books, assignments, and notifications are all available online for quick access, so you don’t have to stress about losing or forgetting your study materials. Additionally, many students discover that online forms allow for more uninterrupted class discussions, improving the chance that every student will be heard.
  • On-campus resources – Many on-campus facilities, such as career services and corporate recruiter networks, are equally accessible to online and on-campus students. You can anticipate equal access from your online programme, whether you require help from the writing centre, technical assistance, or proof of your transcript from the registrar.

Is an online MBA worth it?

Given that an MBA degree enables people from many areas of life to broaden their ideas, an online MBA can be revolutionary. Online education is affordable and is a convenient learning mode for both students and working professionals.  . Students who interact with a diverse range of people from throughout the world develop greater cultural sensitivity and respect.

One of the advantages of an online MBA is that it generates a schedule for you automatically, encouraging you to schedule your time for classes, assignments, and submissions each day. This will be done without the aid of a class or a teacher. The ability to manage oneself and one’s time is one of the keys to employment. You will be helped in carefully honing this talent by online education. You’ll join a group of people with an online MBA who are ready for the next wave of employers that will be looking for more than simply a regular MBA.

With the advancement of technology, online education is becoming more and more accessible and well-liked by corporations and students. These groups benefit from the ability to study whenever they want because it gives them new opportunities for development and mobility, which improves their success as learners in a quickly changing global world. Enhancing self-control, career growth, and time management are all possible with an online MBA.

Why is an MBA a suitable degree for freshers as well as working professionals?

An online MBA degree is appropriate for both freshers and working professionals. Following are some of the benefits of an MBA programme:

  • An MBA degree provides a wide range of career opportunities.
  • It allows professionals to advance their careers by getting into managerial and higher positions.
  • An MBA degree also increases the chances of a higher pay scale.
  • An MBA degree helps individuals planning to switch careers and also helps in career growth.
  • An MBA degree comes with various specialisations, and individuals can choose the one that is relevant to their career goals.

Get UGC-entitled online degrees from Manipal University Jaipur

Manipal University Jaipur is a top-tier institution with UGC recognition and aNAAC A+ rating, which supports its academic model, world-class facilities, pedagogical approaches, and educational standards. At Manipal University Jaipur (MUJ), students have access to a user-friendly online learning environment where they can review the course material, view lectures that have been recorded, participate in forums with other students and faculty members, and much more. The online programmes offered by MUJ through Online Manipal platform provide a fantastic career development experience where students can study at their own pace, engage with subject matter experts, and discover the support, network, and opportunity to grow. MUJ offers MBA programmes with various specialisations in an online mode. Students also get free access to Coursera courses to develop and upskill themselves further. The online programmes are appropriately priced and can be paid in convenient instalments. 


You could still be debating if an online MBA is the best choice for you, but if you’re looking for a job promotion, a wider professional network, or a salary increase mid-career, an MBA would be the right option. The appealing advantages provided by online MBA programmes include a variety of networking opportunities, a wider range of career opportunities, and the freedom to design your academic plan around other commitments.

Choosing between BBA & BCA: What is right for you

Choosing between a BBA (Bachelor of Business Administration) and a BCA (Bachelor of Computer Applications) is like standing at a crossroads of two dynamic and promising career paths. The BBA opens the doors to the intricate world of business, management, and entrepreneurship, where you’ll learn the art of leadership and decision-making. On the other hand, the BCA beckons you into the realm of technology, coding, and software development, offering a gateway to the ever-evolving IT industry. Your choice ultimately hinges on your passion and career aspirations, with the BBA nurturing future business leaders and the BCA paving the way for tech-savvy innovators. It’s a decision that will shape your academic journey and career trajectory, so choose wisely!

BBA course: An overview

Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) is a three-year professional undergraduate course in Business Management. The course is open to students from  any background i.e., Science, Arts and Commerce. BBA is one of the most popular and sought-after bachelor’s degree programmes for students all over the world. Students who wish to pursue a career in the field of business management can enroll for the BBA course after completing Class 12. The BBA programme opens up a wide range of employment possibilities in a variety of industries, including government, education, sales, marketing, finance, and many more.

Course nameBachelor of Business Administration(BBA)
Course levelUndergraduate
Types of BBAFull-time BBA, Part-time BBA, Distance BBA, Online BBA
BBA eligibility10+2 in any stream from a recognised school
BBA course feeINR 50,000 to INR 2 lakh+
BBA admission processEntrance-Based and Merit-Based
Top BBA entrance examsDU JAT, UGAT, SET, IPU CET, NPAT
Top BBA specializationsMarketing, Finance, HR, International Business, Entrepreneurship, 
Salary rangeINR 5 LPA – INR 7 LPA

Also read: How to choose the best college for BBA in India?

Reasons to pursue a BBA degree

Imparts managerial skills: A BBA degree provides a good headstart for candidates who wish to develop managerial skills. Besides teaching you the key academic topics, it also helps in improving your critical thinking, decision-making, problem-solving, time management, and other interpersonal skills, all of which are crucial to thrive in the business world

Numerous specializations to choose from: A BBA degree covers a wide range of topics that will prepare you to be an informed professional and give you numerous possibilities for pursuing a career. Marketing, accounting, human resources management, strategic management, human resources management, and organizational behavior are the various disciplines that can be studied for a BBA degree.

A versatile degree: While most degrees, particularly those at the bachelor’s level, focus primarily on theory, BBA degrees combine theory with the application of practical knowledge and personality development. Additionally, you can acquire a variety of abilities that can help you succeed professionally and become a well-rounded individual.

High salary potential: One of the key objectives of most professionals is a high compensation along with top-notch perks. With a BBA degree, you can unlock the best managerial and administrative careers with the best pay and benefits. Additionally, you receive promotions considerably more quickly. When you change jobs, you may also be eligible for a big wage raise, although this depends on your ability to negotiate.

Foundation for MBA: Graduates from all academic disciplines are welcome to enroll in the MBA programme, however BBA graduates will perform significantly better than their peers. A BBA is a great way to be prepared for an MBA. Although most of the subjects taught are similar, an MBA goes deeper into the subject. 

Network building: The BBA is a professional degree, and the majority of students who earn it go on to pursue careers in business, so you’ll have a strong network of contacts in various industries. These people can give you several prospects for better employment and additional networking contacts. Networking always leads to better opportunities.

You may also like: Get a BBA degree to begin your management career

Career options after a BBA

Check this out: Why BBA? Top reasons to choose BBA

MBA degree: After completing a BBA, the best professional path is usually considered to be an MBA. The majority of students pursue an MBA after completing a BBA in order to hone their abilities, knowledge, and educational background in order to excel in their various corporate jobs.

Government jobs: Securing a government is a dream for many. In India, BBA graduates can choose to work in a wide variety of government sectors such as banking, staff selection committee (SSC), railways, etc. In comparison to what you would earn in the private sector, the initial salary package could not live up to your expectations. Furthermore, any graduate is eligible to apply for these positions and take the government tests.

Jobs in the finance sector: Since many businesses have operations in India, each one has a separate finance department that looks for applicants with BBA degrees. You can also work for big organizations, like banks, investment firms, insurance companies, and real estate corporations.

Jobs in the management sector: Any company’s management sector is its most crucial division. BBA graduates have great employment opportunities in the management field. The demand for individuals with understanding of principles and administration in the management sector makes it a thriving industry for graduates.

Jobs in manufacturing industries: Manufacturing and service industries that focus on retail, operations planning, logistics, and other areas are included in the operations and supply chain management sector. For BBA grads, this industry offers good potential.

Jobs in the IT sector: The IT industry in India is growing rapidly, and so is the demand for candidates with administrative knowledge.

Jobs in marketing sector: Students who pursue a Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) in marketing are particularly well-prepared for professions in sales, advertising, promotions, and marketing research. Students gain knowledge of data analysis and decision-making based on customer insights.

Also read: Boost your career with an online BBA degree

BCA degree: Course overview

Bachelor of Computer Applications (BCA) is a 3-year undergraduate degree program that focuses on the basics of computer application and software development. It teaches subjects like C++, JAVA, HTML, networking, operating systems, software engineering, web technology, etc. The degree lays a strong foundation for students who aspire to become IT professionals. 

Must read: What are the career options after completing a BCA?

CourseBachelor of Computer Applications (BCA)
Course LevelUndergraduate
Duration3 years
Eligibility10+2 from a recognised school
Admission ProcessMerit-based or Exam based
Course feeINR 70,000 – 2 Lakh or more
BCA SubjectsData Structures, Hardware Lab, Operating Systems, Database Management, User Interface Design, UNIX Programming, Financial Management, etc.
Top BCA jobsSoftware Developer, Technical Analyst, System Administrators, Programmer, Tech Support, etc.
Starting salary rangeINR 5 – 8 Lakh
Top recruiting firmsInfosys, TCS, Capgemini, Cognizant, Accenture, HCL, HP,  and others

You may like: 10 reasons you should enroll for an online BCA degree course

Advantages of a BCA degree

Diverse career options: There is an increasing need for qualified computer engineers and a BCA can help you create a multi-faceted career in the industry.  With a BCA, you can work in the healthcare, IT, finance, trading, transportation, software, and educational sectors. Therefore, a BCA is the best option for you if you want a degree that will give you a variety of career options.

Higher pay packages: BCA graduates typically make more money than other graduates. This is due to the field’s quick technological development and ongoing developments. Even at the beginning of their careers, capable students receive a decent deal. This degree opens all doors to the highest technological advancement, where the pay and benefits are top-notch. According to one’s abilities and productivity at work, promotions are simple to obtain.

Multiple specializations are available: There are numerous specializations available, including Full Stack Development, Cyber Security, Blockchain Technology, Machine Learning, Internet of Things, and Artificial Intelligence. These are all great career pathways with a wide range of employment options worldwide.

Affordable degree: A BCA is one of the most budget-friendly options you can pursue,  A BCA is your best option if you want to pursue a career in computer engineering without having to pay a lot of money. When compared to other degrees in computer science and engineering, a BCA’s average annual fee is fairly reasonable.

Global exposure: A BCA degree provides excellent career exposure both in India and overseas. In actuality, foreign businesses demand more technical positions than do Indian businesses. This is due to the quick development of technology and the dynamic changes occurring in other nations. After graduating, students with the necessary skill sets and knowledge are hired by leading firms in India and internationally at competitive salaries.

Prepares you for an MCA: BCA graduates can simply enroll in an MCA programme to advance their careers and boost their chances of finding employment in other fields. Students receive improved understanding in this discipline and are better prepared to face the demands of the working world because the BCA is the foundational level of the MCA degree.

Check out: Importance of BCA degree in today’s digital world

Career opportunities after a BCA

Higher education: Post BCA one can increase their knowledge and earning potential by pursuing postgraduate degrees like an MBA or MCA. Depending on the future goals of the candidate, they can enroll in either of the degrees and strengthen their skills and their chances of getting into higher positions in the industry.

Software developer: The aspiring software developer is in charge of creating software while studying and practicing various computer languages. A software developer trainee is given a project to finish as soon as he masters a particular language.

Data scientist: Following a BCA, being a data scientist is a sought-after career path. As a data scientist, you will be responsible for performing duties relating to data mining, data visualization, and software and tool-based data analysis. 

Digital marketer: There are several options for BCA graduates in the rapidly expanding industry of digital marketing. Search engine optimization, marketing analytics, and web content optimization are among the important roles and duties.

Web developer: Web development is a viable employment option for BCA grads. The key responsibilities of a web developer include website development and maintenance. You might need additional knowledge or credentials, like HTML or JavaScript. HTML and CSS to excel in this role.

Banking: Financial professions, which typically include technical skills, are now more accessible to BCA graduates thanks to the banking industry’s digitization. To succeed in the interviews for the job offers, the applicants must be well-versed in financial, logical thinking, and qualitative ability.

Read more: What to expect after completing an online BCA degree

Find your passion

While making an informed decision, the first thing you must do is understand the focus areas of both degrees and see what interests you more. An online BBA degree prepares students for the world of business. You will learn all the key functions of the business world, and the frameworks needed to excel in it. If you are ambitious, want to succeed in the corporate world, and are passionate about business, then a BBA is your stepping stone into the world of business.

An online BCA degree, on the other hand, is a window into the world of computers and information technology. If you have a keen interest in designing and developing computer applications, mobile and computer software, and want to pursue a career in technology, then the online BCA degree is an excellent choice.

Pursue an online BBA or BCA degree from the Manipal University Jaipur

Whether you are a BBA aspirant or a candidate seeking a career in IT, online degrees are an option worth considering due to the number of benefits they offer for learners. The flexibility in learning, advanced teaching medium, classes by high-qualified lecturers, accessibility to large e-learning content, approvals and accreditations from major regulatory bodies like UGC, NAAC, AICTE, etc make the online courses Manipal University Jaipur highly legitimate and valuable. After completion of the degree, you can seek employment in India or abroad depending on your passion and interest.

Final thoughts

Both BBA and BCA degrees have a growing demand in the world today, as they offer the right mix of skill development, knowledge and hands-on experience that are in demand for entry-level roles. If you want to work in the corporate world, start-ups, PR & media, ecommerce & retail sectors, or start your own business or join your family business, the online BBA degree gets you familiar with the ropes.

With technology being the biggest driver of change in today’s world, the scope for BCA graduates is vast. They can work in public or private sectors, with tech giants or startups that encourage self-improvement as well as the grind. They can join the industry in various roles such as software engineers, computer system analysts, junior programmers, software developers and software application architects.Both online BBA and BCA degrees have excellent prospects, and no matter which one you choose, both are stepping stones to success in the professional world. The students are advised to choose based on their genuine interest in these subjects. Talking to professionals in the field or career counselors can bring you closer to making the right choice.

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