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Top 10 questions for MBA job interviews

Blog Date
January 15,

Completed an MBA and gearing up for that very first interview? Recruiters and HR personnel across industries always have a set of questions ready for MBA graduates. You can crack these job interview questions that help determine your academic and professional potential after an MBA. To help make things easier for you, we help guide you through the 10 most common MBA interview questions asked of several candidates. We compiled this list to enable you to prepare well, become confident, and deliver to your best ability at the next MBA job interview.

Top 10 common MBA interview questions   

Every year, students graduate with an MBA degree and prepare for the next (rather first big) step on their career path – the interview for their first job after securing the degree. Potential employers are likely to ask MBA candidates a variety of questions. Here, we have put together some of the 10 best and most common MBA interview questions that you must know. To help you further, the answers to these questions have also been provided.

Q1. Can you describe yourself in 3 words?

Ans. This is generally among the top key MBA job interview queries that you would need to begin answering right at the start. The question is an attempt to assess your ability to introduce yourself uniquely and creatively, requiring you to be succinct and describe yourself in just 3 adjectives – the best that define your personality. Make sure to remain confident and answer in 3 intriguing words that can captivate the interviewer.

Q2. What have you learned so far from your failures?   

Ans. This may seem tricky but again, the key here is to remain confident and honest. Make sure to acknowledge and highlight that it is okay to make mistakes and fail. However, what is more important is to learn your lesson and move on. Don’t feel embarrassed sharing about your failures as this question is aimed at assessing your inner strength at handling difficult situations. 

Q3. What are some of the flaws that you are currently working on?

Ans. Try and avoid delving deeper into your negative attributes when answering this question. Instead, focus on highlighting to the employer panel how you can channel negative energy to your advantage. Demonstrate your ability to win over your flaws or weaknesses. This is generally among the most popular FAQs for MBA job seekers.

Q4. Do you have any specific goals in mind over the next 5 or 10 years?

Ans. This is more often than not one of the key MBA job interview queries to candidates. The best way to answer this question is to start by defining your one-year goal and then gradually work your way up to, say 5 or 10 years ahead. Clearly state your professional objectives for the future.

Q5. Do you believe that you will not be able to work with certain types of people in the future?

Ans. This is the time to maintain your composure and avoid being discriminatory or trying to demean any person or personality. You may end up showing yourself in a negative way by doing so, hence best be on your guard and try and answer as objectively as possible.

Q6. Why did you want to pursue an MBA?

Ans. This question is yet another of the key MBA job interview queries designed to understand the mindset of the candidate. It is your chance to highlight your passion and future goals that drove you to this decision. Avoid being too generic or simplistic in this answer and make sure to give a response that stands out uniquely.

Q7. Talk about your greatest strengths.

 Ans. The recruiter must understand what value you can bring to the organization after joining. Hence, this features among the top MBA placement questions for candidates. It is also a measure of your characteristic strengths and the skills you possess. Make sure to highlight your most relevant achievements and milestones in this question.

Q8. What is your leadership style?   

This is also one of the top MBA placement questions that you can expect in your job interview. This question though is generally addressed to candidates for senior leadership roles, such as at the managerial level. It helps your potential employer understand where exactly you can be placed in the leadership spectrum.

Q9. What drives you?

Ans. Here, you must try and talk about your motivations as well apart from defining your professional goals. Also, make sure to highlight the steps that you are taking to achieve those aspirations and make them into a reality.

Q10. Describe a challenge that you have overcome.

Ans. This is the last on our list of top MBA placement questions. If you have had professional work experience before completing an MBA degree, you may describe a professional challenge here. Otherwise, it is okay to talk about a personal life challenge that you may have worked toward and how you handled it. The idea is to evaluate your problem-solving ability, tolerance level, and your adaptability to different life situations. 

Pursue an online MBA dual specialization from Sikkim Manipal University

We shared in the above section some of the most-asked FAQs for MBA job seekers. These questions may vary from one interview to another and also from one employer or recruiter to the other. Though the questions may differ, they are essentially designed to assess a potential candidate’s skills, abilities, character traits, and behavioral aspects. 

If you too are keen on pursuing an MBA and following a lucrative career path ahead, we can help. Sikkim Manipal University offers an online MBA in the dual specialization on the revered Online Manipal platform. The program helps elevate your managerial skills and enables you to assume top leadership roles in varied industries after graduation. Students can choose any two specializations in the 3rd semester from Marketing, Finance, HRM, Systems, Operations and Supply Chain Management. Once you make your choice, the same continues through the 4th semester of the course too. 

Since the program is offered online, it is ideal for working professionals who can continue meeting their job commitments while finishing their MBA from the comfort of their home or any place else. The course also helps prepare students for MBA job prep interview questions after program completion.


An MBA degree holds immense value in today’s competitive professional landscape. It sets the path for a rewarding career ahead, providing graduates the opportunity to take up senior managerial positions and earn high-pay packages too. When appearing for job interviews, these graduates are expected to answer a few questions that help bring out their know-how and skills apart from the academic knowledge that they may have gained. 

Sikkim Manipal University’s online MBA in dual specialization helps outline the core MBA job prep interview questions that you can prepare for in advance. The program addresses these and many more such placement interview questions to help students get ready for the real business world after graduation. 


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  • Master of Business Administration
  • MBA interview
  • online degree
  • Online MBA

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