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Skills you get after MA Political Science

Do you have a keen eye for national and international political affairs? Are you passionate about making a positive change in the political situation of your country? If you answered yes to these, you are an ideal fit for an MA in Political Science, a course that will not only nurture your zeal for politics but also help build a set of essential skills for a rewarding career in administration. This blog outlines the vital skills that can be acquired from an online MA in Political Science program. It also highlights how pursuing the course online via Online Manipal offers convenience and flexibility as well as equal value to that of an offline program.   

What is an MA in Political Science?

Before applying for the course, here’s a brief overview of what precisely an MA Political Science course includes. It is a Masters-level program offered to students who are interested in gaining deeper insights into the political scenario of the country as well as of overseas. The course generally lasts for 2 years and focuses on political theories and systems of both Indian and international politics for students completing BA courses in Political Science or related fields of study.

An online MA in Political Science is particularly useful for those students who aspire to follow a career path in public management, administration, or governance. The following section highlights some core competencies developed in online Political Science MA courses. 

Skills you will learn with an MA in Political Science

If you’re looking for a long-term rewarding career path in the world of politics, it would help to know a few critical knacks to be able to excel in the industry. This is where an MA in Political Science course can be of immense help and add the required value to your resume. Following are some of the key skills that the course equips students with. There are many more benefits of pursuing the program, which you can read up here.

  • Communication skills: The ability to communicate effectively is critical in a political setup. You must be able to put across your point precisely and express the issue at hand in the most convincing manner possible. A Master’s degree in Political Science helps build both verbal and written communication skills in students, preparing them for a successful career in national and global politics.
  • Active listening: It is not only essential to speak well; you also need to be a good and patient listener in politics. Most importantly, you would need to be attentive and alert at all times, paying keen attention to the minutest details being presented by another speaker in a political meet or conference to be able to support or contend their views, as required. The course helps teach this vital skill to students, helping them be focused and keen listeners along with great speakers.
  • Problem-solving skills: This is yet another skill that is an important prerequisite for a career in political science. You need to be able to find solutions to complex problems in your area of work while adhering to certain policies and regulations laid down by the government. An MA in Political Science teaches you that skill.
  • Planning & decision-making: As a member of the government or a key administrative body, you may be required to devote a significant amount of time to planning crucial day-to-day affairs and making decisions that have the potential to impact the lives of many. Political science postgraduate courses help students develop this critical skill and practice quick and effective decisiveness in their everyday work arenas.
  • Analytical skills: The task of analyzing each situation or decision at hand is a crucial one, and you need critical thinking and analytical skills to be able to perceive it from all angles. This is just one of the many practical abilities gained from an online MA in Political Science, among many others, teaching you to reflect, plan, and act better.

Scope of MA in Political Science

The above sections talked about an online MA in Political Science and its skill-building potential for students. Now, we discuss the career scope of the program and how it can benefit those who graduate with an online Master’s in Political Science after two years. Lok Sabha elections are the important time for political science students to learn a lot about the political process in India.

Completing an MA in Political Science imparts you the necessary skills and knowledge base to apply for some top-paying and prestigious career pathways in the government and other public bodies. A few career options that graduates can consider include:

  • Law
  • Civil Services
  • United Nations
  • Public Relations
  • Public Administration
  • Political Content Writing
  • Political Consultancy

Let us now look at some of these career prospects in detail in the next section, outlining the roles and responsibilities involved in each job position along with the expected salaries drawn.

Top Careers After MA in Political Science

Students who complete an online MA in Political Science granted by Sikkim Manipal University on the Online Manipal platform can look forward to applying to some of the following top job roles:

Job RolesKey Responsibilities Approx Salary
Political AnalystResearch political matters, analyze current trends, and govt. policies, collect and analyze dataINR 9.15 lakh per annum
TeacherPreparing and delivering lectures to Political Science students at Bachelor and PG levels on international relations, citizenship, political thought, and democracy INR 5,60,000 per annum
JournalistResearch and write/report on current events in the political worldINR 6.70 lakh per annum
Political Content WriterWrite and edit content for varied media forms as required on political matters and subjects, both national and international, ghostwriting content for the govt. and interviewing political figures for authentic information sourcesINR 6-7 lakh per annum
Legislative AssistantProvide support to legislators in legal research, preparing legal memos and other reports, working with legislative committees INR 4,25,041 per annum
EconomistCollecting data, analyzing it, preparing budget reports, offering advice on business strategiesINR 11,71,394 per annum
Public Relations Manager    Coordination of all PR activities, developing marketing campaigns for the govt, communicating with the mediaINR 5,71,643 per annum

Why Pursue an Online MA in Political Science?

We discussed at length the skills students earn from an MA degree in Political Science. Now let us briefly discuss the importance of doing the course online.

Online learning offers the exclusive advantage of flexibility in learning. Students are free to choose their time schedules to complete the program and can also choose to do it at their own pace of learning. 

Most importantly, you can even decide where you want to study, the time, and the device that you find the most comfortable for your online study. Not to forget, an online degree in MA Political Science equips you with a host of essential skills that can be of immense importance in your future career path in the political arena. You may choose to pursue a career in education, politics, law, journalism, or civil services after graduating with an online MA in Political Science from Sikkim Manipal University (SMU) on the Online Manipal platform.    

Why Choose Sikkim Manipal University?

If you’re looking for an online course in MA Political Science from a recognized university in India, Sikkim Manipal University or SMU is an excellent choice. The university, which is accredited A+ by NAAC, offers a wide variety of academic programs that are UGC-entitled. Apart from an MA in Political Science online, you may consider pursuing a Bachelor of Commerce (BCOM), Master of Computer Applications (MCA), or Bachelor of Arts (BA), all of which hold equal weightage and worth as a university degree pursued on campus. All SMU degrees are accepted worldwide for job applications at both government and private sector organizations. SMU offers degree programs on the Online Manipal platform which is easily accessible from everywhere and the course can be done right from the comfort of your home.


The blog talks in detail about the special skill set derived from Political Science MA online studies as well as the exclusive advantage of pursuing the course online from Sikkim Manipal University via Online Manipal. With the combined benefit of flexible independent learning and all other facilities of on-campus studies, such as scholarships and easy financing for study programs, SMU’s online MA in Political Science is your key to taking your career to the next level.


Information related to companies and external organizations is based on secondary research or the opinion of individual authors and must not be interpreted as the official information shared by the concerned organization.

Additionally, information like fee, eligibility, scholarships, finance options etc. on offerings and programs listed on Online Manipal may change as per the discretion of respective universities so please refer to the respective program page for latest information. Any information provided in blogs is not binding and cannot be taken as final.

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