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Learner outcome report: Empowering learners to achieve their goals at Manipal University Jaipur  

Blog Date
September 26,

Manipal University Jaipur (MUJ) has emerged as a trailblazer in the realm of higher education. Committed to providing quality education to a wider population, MUJ began offering online degree courses in 2021, aligning with the regulations set forth by the University Grants Commission (UGC). What initially started as a modest endeavor has now blossomed into a comprehensive suite of seven online degree programs spanning Management, Computer Applications, Commerce, and Journalism & Mass Communication. 

Key milestones of Manipal University Jaipur 

  • Program expansion: MUJ’s journey began with a select few programs, but its commitment to innovation and adaptability led to the development of a diverse portfolio of online degree programs. 
  • Survey insights: Online Manipal, the digital arm of Manipal institutions, conducted a survey among graduates to gauge their experiences with MUJ’s online degree programs. 

Learner outcome survey overview 

This learner outcome survey aimed to assess various student outcomes during their online degree journey. Graduates’ candid responses were collected after their successful completion of exams, facilitated by a well-structured questionnaire comprising six key questions. This learner outcome report synthesizes findings from two distinct surveys: 

  • Postgraduate (PG) cohort: Comprising graduates from MBA, MCA, and MA JMC programs (Batch 1 & 2). 
  • Undergraduate (UG) cohort: Representing BBA and BCA graduates (Batch 1). 

Demographic Insights 

  • Age range: UG learners who participated in the survey spanned ages 22 to 52, while PG students fell within the 23 to 45+ age bracket. 

In the following sections, you can read about how MUJ’s commitment to excellence and its proactive approach to online higher education have empowered students to achieve their academic goals. 

Check out the learner outcome report of MAHE.

Key findings of the learner outcome report 

Key findings of this learner outcome report are divided into different segments based on the responses.  

Reasons to pursue an online degree 

Listed below are some of the reasons why our postgraduate and undergraduate students decided to pursue an online degree.

Reasons to pursue online degrees (PG learners)

Postgraduate students 

This learner outcome survey revealed some interesting insights into the various reasons why our postgraduate learners chose to pursue an online degree. From looking to upskill in their career to deepening domain knowledge, here are some key findings on why our PG learners preferred an online degree.  

  • 82% of learners pursuing an online PG degree are looking to upskill or stay relevant and up to date to move to higher positions in their existing careers. 
  • 67% of learners want to deepen their knowledge and gain a broader understanding of their domain by pursuing an online degree.  
  • 47% of learners chose online master’s degrees that are currently in demand and that aligns with the latest industry trends and technologies.  
  • 41% learners aim to boost their earning potential by adding a valuable and credible master’s degree program. 
  • 40% of the learners seek for an affordable master’s degree that is not only flexible and convenient, but also recognized by the government.  
  • 31% of learners consists of career switchers, who want to make a smooth transition to a new industry by acquiring relevant skills and credentials.  

Also, 77% of learners believe that their online degrees have enabled them to achieve their professional goals. 

Get to know more details about reasons to pursue online PG degrees.

Undergraduate students 

Reasons to pursue online degrees (UG learners)

This learner outcome survey among undergraduate students reveals key motivations behind pursuing an online UG degree. From enhancing qualifications and preparing for future careers to gaining specialized knowledge, students are increasingly turning to online education to meet their academic and professional goals. Here’s a breakdown of their reasons and the impact of MUJ’s online UG programs. 

  • 79% of the learners pursued an online UG degree to earn a recognized degree to enhance their qualifications. 
  • 72% of the learners think that online learning was the most convenient way to pursue their education. 
  • 69% of learners pursued an online degree to prepare for future career opportunities. 
  • 65% of the learners were seeking to improve their knowledge and skills in their chosen field of interest. 
  • 62% of students wanted to earn an in-demand degree to explore potential career paths. 
  • 48% of students were looking for an affordable degree program. 
  • 31% of the learners were looking to gain a competitive edge for internships or job applications. 
  • 29% of the learners said that their reason for pursuing an online degree was to pursue a personal passion or interest. 

Moreover, 89% of MUJ UG learners feel that their online degree helped them achieve their goals.  

Check out more insights from UG learners.

Tracking students’ goals and achievements 

This section gives a glimpse of the various outcomes that students experienced after the completion of their degree.

Tracking students' goals and achievements (PG students)

Postgraduate students 

The online master’s degrees offered by Manipal University Jaipur have had a significant impact on improving the professional lives of learners, especially for those who are already working. Here are some key findings on how our online degrees helped learners enhance their careers

  • 51% of learners have improved their performance at work by staying relevant and earning a new educational credential, that has added value to their job role. 
  • 58% of learners feel their online degree has boosted their chances of getting hired by keeping them better prepared for the job market. 
  • 20% of the learners have found a new job that aligns their goals and career aspirations. 
  • 18% of working professionals who have pursued an online master’s degree from Manipal University Jaipur have received a promotion. 
  • 18% of learners have been able to get higher salary packages after completing their master’s degree online. 

Undergraduate students 

Graduates of bachelor’s degree program report notable improvements in knowledge, skills, and career clarity after completing their studies. Let’s look at the stats below – 

Tracking students' goals and achievements (UG students)
  • 84% of the graduates feel they were able to enhance their academic knowledge after completing their degree. 
  • 65% of the learners say that they were able to develop practical skills relevant to their careers. 
  • 55% of the graduates gained clarity about their career path. 
  • 60% of the students who graduated feel more confident in their chosen field. 
  • 41% of graduates felt more prepared for the job market. 
  • 28% of the graduates bagged job offers and internships after the completion of their degrees. 

These results highlight the effectiveness of MUJ’s online programs in empowering students with the confidence and practical skills needed to navigate their careers. Whether advancing in their current roles or preparing for new opportunities, MUJ graduates feel well-equipped for the future. 

The goals of postgraduate and undergraduate students differ. However, their perspectives on achieving these goals are quite similar. Approximately 84% of students reported that the online program enhanced their knowledge. Additionally, over 65% of students indicated that the program helped them develop career-related skills. Moreover, most students expressed the online program boosted their confidence in their specialized fields and made them prepare for their careers. 

How online learning helped learners 

It is important to understand the satisfaction level of learners to evaluate the effectiveness of online learning programs. Below are the responses from our graduates.

How online learning helped students (PG students)

Postgraduate students 

The sense of satisfaction that our online PG learners have had reflects on how it has had a positive impact on their careers.  

  • 76% of learners feel more confident to face the competitive job market after completion of their degrees. 
  • 65% of learners feel their degree has opened doors to better career opportunities and enhanced their career growth. 
  • 62% of graduates were able to take on new initiatives and responsibilities in their current job role. 
  • 59% of learners feel a sense of accomplishment and fulfilment post completion of their online degrees. 
  • 46% of learners feel their master’s degree has improved their standing in the society, both personally and professionally. 
  • 42% of graduates believe their employability quotient in the job market has improved. 
  • 32% of graduates have moved into leadership roles or have taken up new initiatives in their current job role. 

Undergraduate students 

The satisfaction levels among graduates of Manipal University Jaipur’s online programs reflect the positive impact these degrees have had on both personal and professional fronts. Here’s how.

How online learning helped students (UG students)
  • 80% of the graduates feel more confident post-completion of their online degree. 
  • 73% of the students say that they gained a sense of accomplishment or fulfilment after completing their online degree. 
  • 57% feel more capable of taking on new learning activities. 
  • 46% of the graduates feel that doing an online degree has enhanced their standing in society. 
  • 43% of the students feel they have grown more confident in their domain, making them more employable. 
  • 34% of the learners say they are more likely to share their knowledge with their friends and family. 
  • 24% of the graduates have taken up leadership roles and responsibilities at work/another set-up. 

These results demonstrate the transformative power of MUJ’s online programs in helping learners grow academically and professionally. As one MUJ BBA learner shares, “I feel highly satisfied with everything MUJ has offered me at every step of my learning journey.” Similarly, a BCA graduate states, “This degree has made me stable in my career and helped me achieve my goals.” It’s clear that MUJ continues to provide meaningful opportunities for growth and success. 

Challenges faced by online learners 

Whether technical or academic, challenges are a common aspect of education, particularly in the online mode. We surveyed our graduates to understand the difficulties they faced while pursuing their online degree programs at Manipal University Jaipur

Postgraduate students 

As learners generally strive to maintain the right balance between their work, personal life, and academics, here are some of the challenges faced by our students during their online learning journey.  

  • 56% of learners found it challenging to manage education along with work commitments, family, and household obligations.  
  • 35% of learners took time to adapt to the online learning environment. 
  • 34% of learners were sceptical about the credibility or perception of online degrees by employers. 
  • 25% found it challenging to use technology and software to access and participate in live classes and writing examinations. 
  • 18% of learners found it difficult to keep pace with the academic rigor of the program. 

Undergraduate students

Despite challenges, our online PG students were able to successfully complete their online degree programs, feel more confident to face the job market, and move up their career ladder. They were also able to establish some valuable professional connections by interacting and engaging with a diverse peer group.  

While online education offers flexibility, many learners at Manipal University Jaipur face challenges balancing their studies with work and family responsibilities. Let us understand what other challenges were faced – 

  • 48% of the students found it difficult to balance their studies with their work, family, & household obligations. 
  • 29% of learners felt that employers’ perception of online degrees is not the same as offline degrees. 
  • 24% of graduates were sceptical about adapting to online/remote learning environments. 
  • 22% of learners faced issues with technology & software to access & participate in classes and exams. 
  • 12% of the graduates felt the academic rigor was challenging that came with the program. 
  • 9% of the learners were uncertain about how to be part of the community and/or interact with professors & classmates.  

Despite these challenges, MUJ learners have persevered and succeeded in their academic journeys. Addressing these hurdles is crucial to ensuring an even smoother and more accessible learning experience for future students, helping them overcome obstacles and thrive in the online learning environment. With consistent students-centric approaches through community networking app – Epic.U, MUJ is striving to give near on-campus experience in online mode. 


The online learners of Manipal University Jaipur, be it undergraduate or postgraduate students, have common reasons as to why they chose to pursue an online degree. This learner outcome report reveals that students are looking for online degrees that add value to their educational qualifications, open doors to new careers opportunities, or enhance their careers – all at an affordable price. While they may have faced certain challenges, most students were able to achieve their professional and personal goals by pursuing an online degree from Manipal University Jaipur. 


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