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Why should CA aspirants consider earning an alternate degree? 

Blog Date
January 4,

Chartered Accountancy (CA) is a tough course and often requires many tries to pass. The pass rate is low, making success uncertain. That’s why having a backup plan, like a Bachelor of Commerce (BCom) degree, is smart. In this blog, we’ll talk about whether a low CA pass rate means students should consider a different degree. We’ll also discuss the idea that an online BCom can be a great choice. Online classes offer flexibility, helping students balance CA preparation with their studies. Let’s explore how having a backup plan and choosing online BCom can make the journey smoother. 

Last few years, the CA pass percentage has been as follows: 

  • May 2023 is 10.36% 
  • May 2022 – 12.59% 
  • Dec 2021 – 15.31% 
  • July 2021 – 11.97% 
  • Jan 2021 – 6% 
  • Nov 2020 – 14.47% 
  • Nov 2019 – 15.12% 

A BCom degree will act as a backup option for students who have failed to crack the CA exam. This degree will give you the flexibility to decide on your career path and take up full-time or part-time jobs to earn money while still preparing for CA. 

So, if you’re planning on pursuing CA and aren’t sure whether you’ll be able to achieve success in it this time around, then consider taking an online BCom course. CA after BCom is a great option because it allows students to plan their learning schedule in accordance with their CA preparation schedule without disrupting their social life or lifestyle too much. 

You can check the details for “Is pursuing an online B.Com along with CA a good idea?” here. 

Why is CA a tough course to pass? 

The pass percentage of the CA exam has been dropping over the past few years, and this trend may continue with more and more applicants taking the test each year. This low CA pass percentage could be due to several reasons, including 

  • Lengthy and difficult syllabus: Most students do not have the required time to prepare for the exam. The syllabus is too long, and it is difficult to cover everything. This can lead to a student cramming for a few days or weeks before the exam date. By then, students are fatigued and may not perform well on the test. 
  • Poor study habits: Students who do not study adequately and consistently may find it difficult to deal with the stress of taking tests. They also tend to procrastinate when studying for exams because they are afraid that if they put off studying until later, they might forget everything by the time they sit down for their final exam. 
  • Poor time management skills: Students who do poorly on their CA exams typically suffer from poor time management skills because they are unable to manage their time effectively when preparing for exams and studying for them in general. 
  • Lack of focus: A lack of focus can cause a student to procrastinate in his studies and thus fall short of his goals. This is especially true in cases where students have other things on their minds, such as work or family commitments, which may distract them from studying for exams. 

Benefits of pursuing online BCom while preparing for CA 

The online B.Com degree is a great backup degree option for CA aspirants. BCom with CA offers an excellent opportunity to learn and grow in an environment that matches your own preference and pace of learning. 

It’s a great way to pursue your goals and build upon your existing knowledge and skills. Additionally, it will help you build an experience that will help you get a better job when you graduate. 

The course is affordable, especially if you compare it with the cost of pursuing a similar degree in the classroom setting. It also provides flexible delivery options so that students can study at their own pace and choose when they like the most convenient times for lectures or assignments. 

The B.Com subject for CA can be beneficial in many ways. Here are the benefits of pursuing online B.Com: 

  • You can learn at your own pace, whenever and wherever you want, with no time and location constraints. 
  • The learning materials for this course are always available online so that if a student needs them, they can access them easily from anywhere and at any time, thus avoiding unnecessary delays when working on assignment deadlines. 
  • You are the one who decides when and where you want to study online so that it is convenient for you. 
  • You get to learn the different aspects of business and how they work together to make a company successful. 

Learn about the top companies that hire B.Com graduates. 

Why should you pursue an online BCom through Online Manipal? 

An online B.Com degree from Manipal University Jaipur (MUJ) provides you with the necessary knowledge and skills to establish a good career after the completion of the program. Manipal University Jaipur has been providing top quality education to learners across the world for many years and the online degrees it offers are also of the same standard,  

The coursework includes online lectures, discussions, and assignments that are provided through interactive their user-friendly LMS. Students have access to all of their course materials at any time of day or night, and they can work independently or collaborate with other students during class time using discussion boards or chat rooms. 


In conclusion, a low CA pass percentage indicates that students need an alternative degree. An online BCom degree will act as a backup option for students who have failed to crack the CA exam. This degree will allow you to decide on your career path and take up full-time or part-time jobs to earn money while still preparing for CA. Online Manipal is the best choice for flexibly completing your BCom without letting go of your other responsibilities. 


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  • online B.Com degree

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