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Benefits of pursuing an AICTE-approved program

When choosing a professional course to pursue for career advancement and growth, it is important to evaluate all your options well. Doing your homework well and researching all available options is one of the best ways before making your choice. Courses approved by the AICTE are one of the most preferred options by most students in India. We will look more into the advantages of the AICTE-approved course in this blog and why you should consider opting for one while charting your career path.

What is AICTE?

Let us begin by understanding what AICTE implies and the value it holds in the domain of education and learning.

AICTE is the popular All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE) acronym. It is a statutory organization at the national level that serves as a council for technical education in India. The organization falls under the Department of Higher Education, Ministry of Education, India, and has been in existence since 1945. 

The body is responsible for effectively planning and coordinating the development of the technical and management education system in India. Let us learn a little more about AICTE in the subsequent sections.

How does a university become AICTE-approved?

One of the primary roles that this statutory body plays in India is sanctioning educational institutions in the country based on certain specific parameters. AICTE approval’s importance lies in the fact that it helps increase the value of the institution and inevitably increases its demand among the students. Listed below is exactly how a university can gain AICTE approval in India:

Step 1: Eligibility compliance

To be considered for AICTE approval, the educational institution must first be able to meet the basic eligibility criteria set by the body. Some of the standard requirements include compliance with building infrastructure, land requirements, qualified faculty, and financial stability of the university.

Step 2: Applying with AICTE

Once the institution meets the pre-defined AICTE approval criteria, it is qualified to apply to the official website of AICTE. The application contains some vital information about the institution, including details of the faculty, infrastructure, courses offered, and compliance with AICTE norms.

Step 3: Submission of required documents 

The next step in the process is to submit a set of defined documents to the AICTE. The university is required to submit proof of approval of the building plan, qualification certificates of the faculty, land ownership papers, and other financial statements, as required. 

Step 4: Application review

Upon receipt of documents from the university, the AICTE initiates a thorough scrutiny of the submitted application and all the documents to ensure that they comply with the required criteria.

Step 5: University inspection

An Expert Visit Committee (EVC) appointed by the AICTE carries out a thorough inspection of the university site, including areas like laboratories, classrooms, libraries, and the overall infrastructure, faculty, and other resources at the institution.

Step 6: Submission of compliance report

After the inspection, the university may need to work on some shortcomings as highlighted by the EVC in its report. After addressing those discrepancies, the university is required to submit a compliance report with complete details on how those shortcomings have been addressed.

Step 7: Approval

Upon receiving the compliance report, AICTE then decides whether or not to approve the university. If the university is AICTE-approved, it receives a formal approval letter with details of the number of seats and courses approved by the body.

Step 8: Submission of annual compliance report

The approved university is required to submit an annual compliance report to the AICTE displaying regular compliance with its norms and regulatory guidelines. 

Why is AICTE accreditation important?

We learned in the section above about AICTE accreditation and the steps involved for a university to receive this approval.  But, why exactly is this approval important in the first place? Let us look at some of the key AICTE certification advantages:

  • Benefits to the students: Students completing courses from AICTE-approved universities and educational institutions are more likely to gain recognition by employers and other higher education institutions. This is because AICTE accreditation is a validation of the quality of learning received by graduates.
  • Assurance of quality: AICTE accreditation is also an assurance of the quality of learning offered by a university. The quality standards also hold for the faculty, infrastructure, and overall educational delivery, in addition to the curriculum.
  • Regular compliance: AICTE accreditation requires universities and educational institutions to comply with certain regulatory standards at the national level. This facilitates uniformity across different technical educational institutes in India.
  • Imparts credibility: A university approved by AICTE gains credibility and recognition both at the national and international levels. This serves as a hallmark of quality for the courses imparted by the university, not just for the students, but also for the parents and employers. 
  • Facilitates eligibility for scholarships: Universities aspiring to receive funds, grants, and scholarships are required to be AICTE-approved. The financial support received can be used for infrastructure, faculty, and curriculum enhancement.

Importance of an AICTE-approved MCA program  

We learned in the above section the various AICTE course benefits. These benefits extend to various study programs in different domains. However, the significance and relevance of technical accreditation are felt the most in the case of an MCA program at a university. 

Master of Computer Applications or MCA programs require AICTE accreditation which can be particularly helpful in increasing the hiring ability of graduates and improving the overall credibility of the university imparting the course. 

In addition, the AICTE Act of 1987 makes it mandatory for any university offering technical programs, such as the likes of MCA, to apply for and receive AICTE accreditation before imparting the two-year MCA course to students on or off campus. This implies that online MCA courses also require AICTE approval before being delivered to the students. 

Sikkim Manipal University’s MCA degree is AICTE-approved

If you are keen on pursuing an MCA degree online, we have good news for you. The MCA program offered by Sikkim Manipal University on the Online Manipal platform is approved by the AICTE. The 24-month course equips students with specialized skills in the field of IT, offering technical knowledge in advanced programming languages, computer applications, AI, and deep learning.

The AICTE accreditation to the program puts it in high demand among students in India and overseas and also makes graduates of the MCA course more employable by the industry. The section below highlights some of the top advantages of pursuing an MCA with Sikkim Manipal.

Benefits of pursuing an MCA with SMU

We covered in the blog above some key reasons as to why you should choose AICTE-approved courses. We also learned why an AICTE accreditation for a technical program like MCA is even more important and that Sikkim Manipal University allows you the exclusive chance of gaining an MCA degree that is accredited by the statutory body. 

Let us look at some of the top benefits that the program by Sikkim Manipal offers to students:

  • The program is designed to equip students with cutting-edge skills in software development, programming, and web development.
  • By learning new-age technologies, graduates become eligible to apply for some of the top IT roles in the industry.
  • The learning experience offered by Sikkim Manipal University’s online MCA program is completely online. The course is offered in 100% remote learning mode on the Online Manipal portal.
  • Stand a chance to gain the desirable technical knowledge and expertise in MIS, cloud computing, bioinformatics, digital image processing, and AI.
  • The course is an exclusive opportunity to build your network with industry experts and skilled professionals in the IT world, giving you a competitive edge in the job market.


AICTE accreditation to technical courses in India ensures standardized quality standards for the curriculum as well as other educational resources, such as infrastructure and faculty. MCA courses in the country are generally mandated to be approved by the statutory body before being imparted in universities. Keeping in line with this mandate, Sikkim Manipal University, or SMU offers its online MCA programs that are accredited by the AICTE. The program is hence recognized across India and enhances the employability of graduates around the world. 


Information related to companies and external organizations is based on secondary research or the opinion of individual authors and must not be interpreted as the official information shared by the concerned organization.

Additionally, information like fee, eligibility, scholarships, finance options etc. on offerings and programs listed on Online Manipal may change as per the discretion of respective universities so please refer to the respective program page for latest information. Any information provided in blogs is not binding and cannot be taken as final.

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