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Strategies for overcoming placement-related anxiety

Blog Date
April 24,

Placement-related anxiety is prevalent when students gear up for a job placement or internship.The final year of college is the height of a psychological whirlwind. Students’ emotions are scattered as they prepare for examinations, submit projects, and bid farewell. Additionally, institutions began inviting businesses for campus placements in the last year. It is normal to experience placement anxiety and the strain associated with preparing for a placement with everything going on around you. It is a form of stress brought on by the need to perform well, the anxiety associated with making blunders, and the ambiguity of the future. Persistent placement-related worry can harm one’s self-assurance, performance, and overall mental health. This post will go over several techniques for overcoming placement-related anxiety.

Also, read the importance of building a strong LinkedIn profile for job seekers.

Strategies to tackle placement anxiety 

There are multiple ways to tackle placement anxiety. The following list includes a handful of the finest techniques:

  • Organize yourself

If there’s plenty on your to-do list, stress frequently interferes with your ability to think clearly. Now is the time to organize your thoughts and prioritize your tasks. Don’t worry; everything will come together eventually. You don’t have to take care of everything at once; just choose one, do it, and then go ahead to the subsequent. Break up huge jobs into manageable chunks, treat each as a separate unit, and proceed with each fragment.

  • Prepare beforehand

Preparing for the placement process is the most effective strategy to improve your self-confidence. Focus all your attention on preparing for the campus placement rather than escaping reality or juxtaposing yourself with others. It not only fosters self-assurance and conformity but also lessens unneeded pressure.

  • Envision success 

The powerful technique of visualization might assist you in overcoming anxiety. Spend some time picturing yourself finishing your placement successfully, making an impression on your boss and colleagues, and accomplishing your goals. You can develop a positive outlook and increase your confidence as a result.

  • Get ready to deal with a variety of interviewers 

Before going on an interview, it’s important to remember the typical reality that not every interviewer will be empathetic. Some may seem amiable, while others may show no emotion at all and maintain a blank countenance. You’ll need to be ready to deal with various types of individuals and be aware of the appropriate response for each circumstance. Don’t be afraid; the interviewer is merely another individual assessing your competence, just like the practical examinations you probably took in college. Additionally, you are not required to ace your first interview. Try to maintain your confidence and resist becoming intimidated by the interviewer.

  • Practice your communication skills

Most students’ poor communication skills are a major factor in why they fear the placement cycle. Additionally, they lack self-confidence and are, therefore, apprehensive about speaking in front of the interviewer. Top employers frequently seek applicants with excellent communication skills and a personal connection to their peers. One of the main prerequisites is that you work on improving your communication abilities. Discuss it with your peers and ask your mentors for assistance. If you stutter under pressure, try some meditation before your interview.

  • Consider the underlying concerns

You need to recognize your areas of weakness if you want to endure the strain and anxiety of the placement process. Your desperation may increase if you haven’t reached the top IT firms. Additionally, persistent parental pressure to obtain a well-paying profession may be the main source of your suffering. Work on these underlying issues rather than ignoring them. Look for other positions if you weren’t able to secure into a prestigious company. If you work hard enough, you’ll soon find a terrific opportunity. Additionally, consider other doable options, such as pursuing a higher degree. You won’t feel stressed if you have a backup plan.

  • Be Positive and treat yourself 

Even though it can be challenging at times, maintaining a positive attitude during this process is crucial. Try to persevere and make the best possible use of your time by finding ways to make the job hunt exciting or enjoyable. Enjoy the challenge of finding new jobs to apply for, and when you’re finished, treat yourself by doing the things you enjoy. Recognize your accomplishments, 

  • Seek an ally

Having a conversation with someone should be your first step in managing stress. Find someone who will listen to you and help you relax, whether it be an ally or a family member. Discuss the specifics that bother you and the shortcomings preventing you from addressing the interviewer. Find an individual you feel comfortable confiding in rather than seeking solutions to divert your thoughts and focus. Even casual interactions help you stabilize yourself under stress from the placement process.regardless of how minor they may seem. This may boost your self-confidence, motivate you, and lessen your tension.

  • Practice self-care

Self-care is crucial for anxiety management. Ensure you care for your physical, emotional, and mental well-being. Eat well, move around frequently, get enough rest, and take breaks as necessary. Try relaxing activities like yoga, meditation, or deep breathing to relieve stress. Students often lose focus and get antsy as the campus placement gets closer. You must keep an eye on the big picture to prevent all of the aforementioned scenarios. Instead of getting yourself worked up, take a mental break and reflect on every detail of preparation for the placement you invested in. 

You must also read why placement assistance is crucial for online students: Support and guidance in landing the right job.


Aim for improvement and growth rather than perfection. Although stress is unavoidable, try not to let it overcome your positive instincts. If you hold the hunger to succeed, nothing is impossible. Do not allow “stress” to stand in the way of your hard work when it is finally time for results after years of effort. In conclusion, following the straightforward strategies above can reduce placement anxiety. So, give placement anxiety no ability to undermine your efforts, and even more importantly, give it no power to determine your destiny. Online Manipal greatly helps students with placement opportunities via employability skill assessments and skill enhancement training. Regular efforts are undertaken to organize placement drives and help students to connect and showcase their skills to reputed organizations and seek desired employment.


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