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Thanks to EdTech, more Indian women are taking up online upskilling courses

Blog Date
September 26,

In the changing world order, opportunities for women across sectors are on the rise. Digital transformations have widened these opportunities for women who wish to become successful leaders. Online learning is the biggest contributor to this, encouraging women to professionally upskill themselves from the comfort of their homes. Thanks to online learning, women in India are upskilling like never before and exploring better career opportunities.  

Online learning platform Coursera suggests that women contribute to 38% of the 18 million learners in India, the highest-ever representation. This has led India rank second worldwide for the highest number of women pursuing online courses from Coursera. The data also found that women want to improve STEM skills, which are crucial in today’s technologically driven world. Silmplilearn, another online learning platform, conducted a survey which stated that the number of women enrolled for upskilling courses has doubled since 2019.  

Read more: The role of women in science and innovation

The pandemic effect 

Remote working opportunities combined with the benefits of online learning has brought this good news. During the pandemic, work from home became the new normal. Moreover, the job market for women opened with greater work from home opportunities. While the world was restricted to four walls during the pandemic, women found the need to upskill to stay industry relevant and keep up with market trends. The lockdown served as an opportunity for them  

to take up online courses from the comfort of their homes. Considering the boon of flexibility, women could manage work life hassle-free.  

The pandemic has surely paved the way for hybrid working models, that have proven to be productive. It is desirable especially for women, who can opt for flexible work schedules. This has improved the inclusivity of women in today’s workforce. 

Bridging the career gap 

While the pandemic led to massive layoffs by several companies, it forced many to quit their jobs. To stay relevant and fill career gaps, several women took to upskilling courses. It became important to utilize the time to enhance skill sets and expand domain knowledge. These online courses not only helped women upskill, but also made career comebacks easier. 

Read more: How to find a job after a career break

Career switch 

Upskilling is not only essential for career comebacks, but also helps in career switch. It helps acquire the right skills for a smooth career transition. For women who want to switch careers, online courses help them acquire the right skills from the comfort of their homes. The flexibility, accessibility and affordability of online programs and certifications have made it easier for women to fulfill their dreams.  

Narrowing the gender gap 

India is among the countries with lowest female workforce participation rates. During the first quarter of the lockdown, the urban female workforce rate dipped by 15.5%, according to the Period Labour Force Survey of the National Statistical Office. However, this rate has improved to 20.9%, indicating a positive sign. With more women opting to upskill, they can also climb up the leadership track. They will get an opportunity to explore leadership positions across industries and verticals.  

The emergence of EdTech firms and greater availability of upskilling programs have made it easy for women to upskill themselves. EdTech firms use cutting-edge technology to deliver online courses, that makes learning more immersive. Here’s how EdTech is helping women upskill and achieve their dreams.  

Flexible learning 

Online learning offers utmost flexibility, especially for women, who need to balance multiple commitments. They can schedule their courses anywhere, anytime. Online learning is a boon to married women, new mothers and homemakers who can learn at their own pace and handle personal commitments hassle-free. 

Read more: How Online Manipal is empowering women

Hand-on skills 

For working women, upskilling can work both ways. They not only help acquire new skills, but also help polish existing skill sets. They help in applying these skills on the job, while improving their productivity. 

Better career prospects 

Women upskilling online don’t just enhance their skills and knowledge, but also improves their career prospects. After taking up upskilling courses, women can explore higher positions and emerge as leaders. Improved job prospects also mean a better salary.  

Financial independence 

A great career anyway makes a woman independent, so does an online upskilling course. With increased career opportunities and better pay scale, women tend to become more financially independent. This also improves their confidence and pushes them to perform well on the job. 

India’s digital infrastructure boost is already creating opportunities, especially for women. This is likely to push the number of women enrolling for online programs as well.  

Considering the increase in number of women upskilling themselves, there is need to bridge the gender gap to improve the participation of women in the workforce. If businesses, organizations and government address the existing gender parity, women will become an integral part of contributing to India’s economy. 

Upskill with Online Manipal 

An immerse platform, Online Manipal caters to learners from various backgrounds. Whether you want to upskill yourself or pursue an online degree, you can graduate with a degree from reputed institutes like Manipal Academy of Higher Education (MAHE), T. A. Pai Management Institute (TAPMI) and Manipal University Jaipur (MUJ). An immersive learning experience combined with experienced faculty and placement assistance; you can explore lucrative careers in your chosen field.  


Information related to companies and external organizations is based on secondary research or the opinion of individual authors and must not be interpreted as the official information shared by the concerned organization.

Additionally, information like fee, eligibility, scholarships, finance options etc. on offerings and programs listed on Online Manipal may change as per the discretion of respective universities so please refer to the respective program page for latest information. Any information provided in blogs is not binding and cannot be taken as final.

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  • online degree
  • online education in India

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